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Boeing Starliner arrives at the Space Station after failures – Telemundo Tampa (49)

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida – Boeing’s new capsule arrived at the International Space Station in Florida on Thursday after leaks and problems with the boosters were reported during its first test flight.

The Starliner capsule already had a small helium leak when it launched into orbit on Wednesday. Managers at Boeing and NASA were confident that they could control the propulsion system despite the problem and that further leaks were unlikely. But just a few hours into the flight, two more leaks appeared.

Then, four of the capsule’s 28 thrusters broke down. NASA test pilots Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams managed to restart three of them, providing enough safety margin to continue. The Starliner had missed the first docking opportunity and circled the station for another hour before entering it.

NASA test pilots Butch Wilmore and Suni Williamsmanaged to dock around 1:35 pm local time.

Earlier, Mission Control ordered the pair not to come within 650 feet (200 meters) of the space station, delaying the planned arrival by at least an hour. It was not immediately known if these propellant problems were related to the earlier leaks.

“We are still analyzing all the data… Please wait,” Mission Control said over the radio. Minutes later, they said they were confident enough to dock on the next lap.

Earlier, before the boosters failed, Boeing spokesman Jim May said the leaks did not pose any safety concerns for the astronauts or the mission.

May said the capsule has plenty of helium reserves to make up for what is lost. The propulsion system was disabled once the capsule docked with the space station because thrusters are not needed at that time, she said.

Helium is used to pressurize the fuel lines of Starliner’s thrusters, which are essential for maneuvering. Before takeoff, engineers came up with a plan to prevent any additional leaks in the system. A defective rubber seal, no larger than a shirt button, is believed to be responsible for the original leak.

After the space shuttles retired, NASA hired Boeing and SpaceX to transport astronauts to and from the space station. SpaceX’s taxi service began in 2020. Boeing was supposed to start around the same time, but was halted for years over safety concerns and other issues.

Boeing plans to keep Starliner at the space station for at least eight days before guiding it to a landing in the western United States.

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