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When and where will it make landfall?

The hurricane season 2024 has already begun, and with it, the threat of weather events that can cause havoc in Mexican territory. One of the first natural phenomena to form in the Atlantic Ocean this year is the Hurricane Albert.

In this sense, concern is growing among authorities and the population due to its potential impact. Having said the above, below we will tell you what is the possible trajectory of Albert and the Mexican states that could be affected, as well as the estimate of when it could make landfall.

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What states will Hurricane Alberto affect?

He National Metereological Service (SMN) has identified an area of ​​low pressure in the Atlantic that has intensified, giving rise to Hurricane Alberto. This meteorological phenomenon threatens to impact several states on the Mexican coast. States most at risk include: Quintana Roo, Yucatán, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Tabasco and Campeche.

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When will Hurricane Alberto make landfall in Mexico?

Under this line, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) of the United States has estimated that the Hurricane Albert could make landfall during the next few days of June 2024. This projection, however, is subject to change, since hurricanes are highly unpredictable phenomena. However, meteorological authorities are closely monitoring the evolution of the hurricane to provide updated and accurate information.

It is important to mention that the population in potentially affected areas must stay informed through official sources and be prepared for take immediate action in case of an emergencysuch as: having a emergency kit, stay indoors and in safe places. Constant vigilance and proper preparation are crucial to minimizing the Alberto’s impact.

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