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They revealed that Nicki Nicole had started a romance with Nicolás Fonseca, a River player

Nicki Nicole starred in a scandalous and public breakup with Featherweight a few months ago, but now he seems to have left that story in the past and I would be giving love a new chance.

The person in charge of telling the news was Rodrigo Lussich in Show Partnerswhere he revealed without filters: “It comes from suffering first with Thunder, then with Featherweight and Now he would be kissing one of the River Plate players“.

Recent image of Nicki Nicole.

After the surprise of the members of the program, they finally said that it would be Nicolas Fonsecaand detailed: “They are getting to know each other after having had a meeting at the Gardel Awards“.

As the latest proof of the new romance between Nicki Nicole and Nicolas Fonseca, The journalists confessed that both the singer and the athlete They follow each other on social media.

What Nicki Nicole said about her separation from Featherweight

In a LAM cell phone, the artist first tried not to talk about her breakup and only referred to her upcoming projects: I am very happy because it is a tour that has already sold out more than three cities and there are seven in total.”.

However, when the journalist asked him about his separation with Featherweight, Nicki Nicole He simply said: “I want to thank the people, especially the people of Argentina, for the love and respect they have always had. For me it is a pleasure that people are always present with me and you are always present for the respect.


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