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Myke Towers and Lola Índigo, headliners on the first day of the Share Festival | News from Catalonia

Bego, Nadina, Mira and Judith are -all- dentists from a clinic in Canet de Mar. “We have come to the Share Festival especially because Myke Towers is playing. “We are going to have a great time,” Nadina threatens. The age of the four dentists – without being far from being old – is exceptional in this musical festival aimed at adolescent audiences and which is held between this Friday and Sunday (from 2:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.) in the Fòrum park in Barcelona. . “We are old enough to be mothers who accompany their daughters, but today we do not come to accompany teenagers. We come to enjoy,” Mira warns. Meanwhile, on the two stages of the festival – the Negrita and the Trident – the first ovations of the afternoon go to Ptazeta and Maikel Delacalle.

The audience – mostly female – is keeping their strength because this Friday everyone is waiting for the last two performances: those of Myke Towers and Lola Ídigo. On Saturday it will be Maka’s turn and on Sunday Aitana and Chanel. Stars that attract a large teenage audience in a festival placed on the calendar just after the selectivity exams.

Miriam Berrio turns 18 this Friday. A band hanging from her shoulder that will be part of her clothing throughout the day attests to this. Her aunts Lola and Ana – their last name is also Berrio – have given her the festival ticket, although only for this Friday. “Yesterday I finished the selectivity and I want to study nursing. In fact, I think I won’t get the grade and next year I will take vocational training to specialize more,” Berrio is proud. “We are very nervous because we want to see Myke Towers,” her aunt Lola says ironically. This family comes from the Barcelona district of Nou Barris and they bought the tickets two weeks ago and did not imagine the waves of young people accessing the Fòrum facilities.

In December, Laura and Paula from Barberà del Vallès (Barcelona) bought them. “Tomorrow Maka performs and I go to all of her concerts. I have a good time but I don’t care much about the rest of the artists,” Paula defends.

Share Festival at the Parc del Forum.
Gianluca Battista

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Laia and Mar have positioned themselves in the front row of the Trident stage – they have a Fronk Stage ticket which is a little more expensive – and they get excited before Maikel Delacalle took over the audience by singing one of his lyrics. The two young women – also nursing students (apparently there is a certain taste for this festival among health sciences students) – come from Vilafranca del Penedès and hope with all their might for Sunday to arrive to hear Aitana herself live.

Lucia and Maria, from la Garriga (Barcelona), protest because the drinks have prices that range from 10 euros. “We are going to reserve our strength for Myke Towers, who I think is one of the last to act today,” they warn.

It is the second time that the Share Festival Negrita is held in the Parc del Fòrum and in the last edition 17,000 people gathered per day. The organization’s forecast is that this year many more people will come on one of the pre-summer and post-selectivity weekends, ideally if you are under thirty.

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