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The Hubble Space Telescope obtained an unprecedented and spectacular photograph of the Eye of the Universe

He Space Telescope Hubble It never ceases to surprise us. His ability to observe the cosmos in great detail gave us this time a unprecedented and spectacular image of the Hourglass Nebulaa formation located about 8000 light years of the Earth and known as The Eye of the Universe.

The image, published by the POT, captivated thousands of people and went viral when shared on social networks. In the composition you can see with greater detail than ever the vibrant colors and the complex structure of the nebula, including the gas jets that expel the dying stars and its enigmatic center.

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He bright core of the nebula, surrounded by two symmetrical lobes, create the illusion of a huge green eye that seems to observe us from the ends of space.

The Hubble Space Telescope obtained an unprecedented and spectacular view of the Eye of the Universe. (Photo: NASA/Hubble)

The image also shows in great detail the gas trails that spring from the center of the nebula. These jets are ejected by the dying star at speeds of millions of kilometers per hour and create a cosmic landscape of great charm and dynamism.

This image of Hubble it’s a gift to humanitywhich shows us the immensity and beauty of the universe that surrounds us. And furthermore, it is a reminder that there is still much to discover in the cosmos and that space exploration It is an inexhaustible source of knowledge and wonder.

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