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Donald Trump promises to reverse Joe Biden’s immigration policy

Phoenix. Donald Trump said on Thursday that, if he takes back the White House, he will reverse the order announced by the US president, Joe Biden, to close the border with Mexico if the daily entry of irregular migrants increases.

The Republican candidate for the November presidential election also threatened to impose tariffs on countries that do not stop the flow of migrants trying to reach the United States.

“On the first day of my administration, I will rescind Rascal Joe’s scandalous executive order,” he said in Phoenix, Arizona, during his first campaign event after being found guilty of thirty criminal offenses for falsifying accounting records to conceal the payment made. to a former porn star to buy her silence.

“I will end any and all open border policies of the Biden administration,” he added.

READ MORE: Joe Biden toughens immigration measures to ‘secure the border’ between the United States and Mexico

Trump claimed that his rival’s order is “pro-invasion, pro-child trafficking, pro-drug traffickers.” The real estate magnate constantly repeats that migrants are responsible for a good part of the crimes committed in the United States, a statement that is not supported by official or academic data.

According to the latest polls, Americans consider migration one of the main issues in deciding their vote for the presidential elections, in which Biden and Trump will almost certainly seek re-election.

Donald Trump reiterated his promises to take a tough line against irregular immigration and criticized Joe Biden’s measures. (Shutterstock)

The Democrat, in an attempt to attract votes from those who consider him lukewarm on this issue, issued an executive order this week that closes the door to the entry of irregular migrants when there are more than 2,500 asylum applications in one day. This measure will be maintained until this figure is below 1,500.

The order also makes it easier to deport people to Mexico.

READ MORE: What are the new immigration measures applied by Biden in the United States?

Biden received criticism from various sectors for the 180-degree turn in his immigration policy, protected by the same law that Trump used when he was president to prohibit the entry of citizens of Muslim countries.

When asked by an assistant, Trump announced that he will take economic measures against countries that do nothing to stop the flow of migrants, mostly from Central and South America, but also from China and the Middle East.

“We have tremendous economic power. “If China or some other country is behaving badly, we have things called tariffs,” she said.

“We are going to be tough and, if a country does not behave, we are going to impose tariffs,” he added, without giving details about the magnitude of those taxes.

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