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Check what time precipitation would start in the RM

A new frontal system is approaching the Metropolitan Region, but it will also be felt from Coquimbo to Biobío. This is why the Los Libertadores Pass will close this Saturday due to bad weather forecast.

Precipitation in the RM is expected to begin around 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, according to the Chilean Meteorological Directorate (DMC). Early Sunday morning will concentrate the greatest amount of rain, with estimates of 10 to 20 millimeters.

Despite the possibility of heavy rain, no major problems are expected, since The zero isotherm is normal for the season, which means that there will be no rain in the high areas of the mountain range. After dawn, the rains are expected to stop in Santiago, as the system will move towards Argentina. In addition, there is the possibility of another frontal system to the central area next Wednesday.

In other regions, The front will weakly affect the south of Coquimbo and will extend to Los Lagos, with the Biobío region receiving the most rain.

He Senapred issued a preventive early warning for the Metropolitan Region due to possible snowfall, precipitation and strong winds in the mountain range, with gusts that could reach between 25 and 50 km/h. This alert will remain active as long as weather conditions require it.

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