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New sinkhole in Reñaca: technical table analyzes measures after evacuation of residents from two buildings

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At noon today, the meeting of an emergency technical table of regional and technical authorities began – headed by the Presidential delegate of Valparaíso, Sofía González – to analyze the emergency caused this morning by a new sinkhole in the area in Reñaca and which caused the preventive evacuation of two towers of the Euromarina II building.

The intense rainfall this weekend last night opened a trench thirty meters deep in the dune field in the vicinity of the aforementioned real estate project – located in the vicinity of the Kandinsky building, the first complex affected by landslides last August – and which determined the departure of some 87 residents in the last hours.

“As a result of this sinkhole in the Valparaíso Region, a technical table was established between public services led by the Presidential Delegate, where the possible causes of this collapse of the collector, the risks and the mitigation measures that will be implemented will be evaluated. take,” said this morning the Undersecretary of the Interior, Manuel Monsalve.

Previously, the Presidential delegate of Valparaíso, Sofía González, indicated regarding the plan for this new emergency that “various services will be deployed to be able to evaluate the situation in situ, evaluate the possible causes and the risks that could be associated.”

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