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The Tazacorte City Council invests one million euros in refurbishing the Puerto Beach

The Tazacorte City Council, through its Councilor for Tourism and Beaches David Ruiz, reports in a press release that it takes on “the challenge of improving the municipality’s beaches as an agent of social cohesion and a local tourism promoter, with the aim of positioning the destination of sun and beach in Tazacorte linked to a diversification of the local economy and promoting the blue economy in the tourist enclave of the Port of Tazacorte.”

The Tourism Councilor stated that “from the local government group we have established a strategy to position the Tazacorte destination in the international tourism market.” In this sense, work is being done on a Tazacorte Beach Plan within the framework of the ‘Mar y Lava’ Tourism Sustainability Plan, with a budget that amounts to 4 million euros.

David Ruiz highlighted that the council has also started the Tourism Plan with the conditioning action of the Puerto de Tazacorte Beach: “In this action we must highlight the conditioning for the current bathing season due to the various winter storms suffered. ”. The last one took place last April, leaving consequences such as the poor state of Puerto Beach.

“Since April we began the process of assessing damages and coordinating projects and procedures with the demarcation of coasts, achieving that the project is currently in public bidding, respecting the times established by the law on major contracts within the framework of Next Generation funds,” added the councilor.

In this sense, due to the complexity of the bidding process and the significant economic amount of said action, which amounts to more than 300,000 euros, the council hopes to close the contracting process in the coming days, and begin the conditioning of the beach of the Port of Tazacorte starting June 15.

Councilor David Ruiz expresses his apologies to the users of the Puerto beach for the state of the beach as a result of the strong winter storms and shows his commitment to rehabilitate it through the economic effort made by the Bagañete council. He assures that during the 2024 bathing season, which begins on July 1, the Puerto de Tazacorte Beach will be in “the best possible conditions.”

The councilor has clarified that within the framework of the beach plan, efforts are also being made for the reconstruction of the southern breakwater (Dique Barranco de las Angustias), which amounts to an investment of 400,000 euros, since the current loss of sand from the Playa del Puerto “is a consequence of the damage suffered by the adverse marine conditions in the last years of said dock.”

Finally, the Tazacorte City Council is also carrying out the procedures for the tender for new equipment for the beaches of Tazacorte, with the aim of improving services, with an investment that amounts to 300,000 euros.

“From the local government group we have taken on the challenge of improving our beaches, and proof of this is this series of investments that already amount to one million euros,” he stressed.

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