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How much will the residents of La Plata pay for electricity and gas after the increases announced by the Government?

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Services of the Buenos Aires province published a report announcing increases in tariffs light and gas that will come into effect from the month of June in the city of The Silver.

The new values ​​arise as a consequence of the elimination of subsidies ordered by the national government and will affect residential users differently depending on their income level.

Regarding electricity bills, the increases for residential users with a monthly consumption of 150 kWh, including taxes, will be 14% for N1 users (higher income), 80% for N2 users (lower resources) and 69% for those in N3 (middle income).

This means that an N1 user of Edelap who paid $22,936 in March, in June he must pay $26,634. For its part, an N2 user with the same consumption who paid $8,133 in March will have a bill of $13,965 in June. While a user in the N3 segment who paid $8,322 in March, will have to pay $16,740 in June.

It is worth remembering that users are segmented according to their income, measured in Basic Baskets:

  • N1 users: total monthly household income equivalent to or greater than $2,898,553.67 (3.5 basic baskets)
  • N2 users: net income less than $828,158.19 (1 total basic basket)
  • N3 users: total monthly income between $828,158.19 and $2,898,553.67 (between 1 and 3.5 basic basket)

Electricity Light Rates (1).webp

The increases for EDELAP users in La Plata will be between 14% and 80% starting in June.

The increases in gas bills for the residents of La Plata

The report from the Buenos Aires Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Services also confirms that gas bills will also suffer significant increases, with increases that vary between 299% and 604% depending on the income level of the users.

As an example, higher-income users who paid $11,285 in March will have to pay $46,499 in June, which represents an increase of 299%. For their part, lower-income users who paid $4,896 in March will receive a bill of $39,661 in June, meaning the increase will be 604%. While a middle-income user who paid $8,736 in March will pay $40,615 in June.

It should be noted that Social Rate users must re-register in the RASE to maintain the national subsidy, with a period of 60 days to avoid losing the benefit. Otherwise, the increases will be even greater.

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