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Blaze Star supernova explosion, when will it happen and how to see it? – The Sun of Córdoba

The astronomical events continue to surprise and amaze more than one, even in the middle of 2024, several of them are still scheduled, such as the Orionid, Leonid meteor showers or the transit of the Moon that will hide Neptune.

However, one of the phenomena that has been little talked about and that can occur any day in these months is “just around the corner” with a shocking spectacle: the explosion of a supernova.

This is a phenomenon confirmed by the same National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and one of the most spectacular and unmissable, because It only happens every 80 years.

The show will be thanks to the explosion of a nova or star nicknamed ‘Blaze Star’, located in the T system Coronae Borealis, about 3 thousand light years from Earth, However, although the distance seems discouraging, the fact, according to scientists, is can be seen with the naked eye.

Why will the supernova explosion occur and when will it occur?

Scientists point out that this fact will light up the night sky for about a week and can be appreciated with the naked eye, although with With the help of some binoculars or telescopes, the experience can be even better.

According to NASA, the nova is composed of a “red giant” star and a “white dwarf”. The explosion occurs when both are close enough, causing the hydrogen from the “red giant” to accumulate on the surface of the white one, thus generating an accumulation of heat and triggering the explosion.

The same instance indicates that “Once its brightness reaches its peak, it should be visible to the naked eye for several days and just over a week with binoculars.”

The explosion is projected for a period from June to September, however, there is no specific or established day for the phenomenon to occur. so it will be necessary to be aware of updates from NASA itself.

However, in this scenario, the Agency shares the way to identify the constellation in which it is located: Corona Boreal or Corona del Norte. For this, a useful tool can be the Star Walk app, which will allow you to identify all the stars and constellations, considered a “star map”.

@soypulpoculto The explosion of a star will illuminate the sky and it is estimated that it will be as bright as the polar star. When is this going to happen? At any time between now and September 2024 and a few days after the explosion, the star will disappear. Let’s talk about T Coronae Borealis, the star that was last seen exploding in 1946 and was the last time it could be observed without the need for a telescope. Why does the star make these types of explosions? This phenomenon in a star is called a recurrent nova. T Coronae Borealis is a binary star composed of a white dwarf and a red giant. The white dwarf begins to collect material from the red giant and in general from the surrounding area, causing a dense atmosphere that will begin to accumulate a lot of heat. And the atmosphere of white dwarfs is not exactly very thick. So much heat triggers a thermonuclear reaction, causing an explosion so bright that we will be able to see it regardless of whether the star is approximately 3 thousand light years away. So that this entire process is repeated in cycles. This explosion can occur at any time and will appear in the constellation corona borealis, to better locate it use a stellar app and look for Hercules on the left below you will find Vega and on the right below Arcturus. Approximately in the middle is the coronae boreales. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see a nova with your little eyes, which will undoubtedly be one of the most important astronomical events of modern times. #science #astronomy #scienceentiktok #funscience ♬ New Abundance – Omar Enfedaque

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To identify it you must locate the aforementioned Northern Crown, particular for having a circular or “horseshoe” shape, right at west of the constellation Hercules. Another point of reference is locating the stars of the northern hemisphere, Arcturus and Vega.

Although the nova explosion is considered to be brief, it will be possible to see it with the naked eye, so another recommendation is to be in places with clear skies and poor lighting.

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