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Homelander from “The Boys” was named “superhero of the year” by Time magazine

Homelander was named Time Magazine’s “Superhero of the Year” as part of the promotion for the fourth season of “The Boys.”

As part of the launch of the fourth season of “The Boys”Magazine Time, one of the oldest and most respected publications in the United States, has decided to appoint homelander (interpreted by Anthony Starr), as “Superhero of the Year”doing an intimate interview with the psychotic character about his enormous influence on the successful series.

Getting into the matter, an anonymous journalist is in charge of giving information and directions to the 99th floor of the Vought Tower, where the team made up of the 7 most powerful superheroes on the planet meet to deal with world problems. According to the text, Homelander enters the room wearing his blonde hair and his iconic blue suit with the cape of the United States flag flying proudly. “Literally, he carries the United States on his back”says the journalist who is extremely excited to be in front of Homelander.

In this interview, Homelander, played by Antony Starr, provides details about his recent controversial actions and tests the possibility of reaching the White House

During the third season of “The Boys,” Homelander decided to show his most ruthless side to the public, with comments in front of the cameras where he claimed to be better than any living human being, and as icing on the cake, during a public appearance he shamelessly killed a civilian with his heat ray after he threw a can at his son and told the superhero to “fuck off.”

This, instead of being a warning sign of the danger that Homelander was to humanity, made more people admire him for not allowing himself to be manipulated by the media. In the interview, the superhero refuses to talk about the incident because “his lawyers advised him so,” but he reiterates that the man who attacked “He was not a civilian,” because “civilians do not attack children”; Furthermore, he reiterates that he has received thousands of messages from people who saw the event as a true display of paternal love.

Between popularity and controversy, the journalist asks Homelander what he hopes his fans take away from becoming Time magazine’s Superhero of the Year.

At the end of the third season of The Boys, Homelander murders a civilian for hitting his son Credits: Amazon Prime

“A little respect would be nice. You know, with all the hate and discrimination and just… Completely baseless legal accusations being leveled against superheroes lately, I hope this makes people stop and think about all the sacrifices we make for them.. And maybe they feel inspired to be heroes in their own way,” declares the man who throughout three seasons was seen murdering without flinching anyone who crossed his path.

Remembering the civil movement that starlight (interpreted by Erin Moriarty) began at the end of season 3 against Homelander, the superhero compared himself to historical figures such as Gandhi and Jesusensuring that, like them, he was persecuted for wanting to change the world for the better.

Starlight (Erin Moriarty), started a civil movement against Homelander at the end of the third season of “The Boys”

“I must say that it is difficult to imagine your legacy when so many people are telling lies about you. It’s helpful to keep in mind what Jesus, Gandhi, and Dr. King went through, and how despised they were during their time.. How… angry they must have felt. But look at them now; They are legends.”

Homelander’s airs of greatness don’t stop there. The superhero even compares himself to the Christian God when talking about his son Ryan, because like him, they sent his seed to the world to save it.

In the interview, Homelander compares himself to historical figures such as Jesus and Gandhi (Jasper Savage/Prime Video via AP)

“Ryan is my legacy. One day, a long time from now, people will have to look to him for salvation instead of me. You could say it is my gift to the world. As in the Bible, God also gave us his only son. So I’m teaching him everything I can, but he’ll also have to make his own way for himself. He will not be able to ride my cape all his life.”

To put an end to the interview, Homelander explores the possibility of a superhero leading the Oval Office of the White House.

“America desperately needs strong leadership. If people’s prejudices get in the way… then our founding fathers’ great democratic experiment has failed. Maybe it’s time to try something new.”

In the fourth season, the world is on the brink of the abyss. Victoria Neuman is closer than ever to the presidential office, as Homelander consolidates his power. (Prime Video)

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