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Maite Orsini is accused online of using her cell phone while driving: Emilia Foundation spoke out | Society

Users on social networks have accused Maite Orsini looking at her cell phone while driving after a series of photographs of her in a car went viral on X (Twitter).

In them, it seems that the deputy is checking her phone while she is behind the wheel, so netizens did not take long to spread the records and assume that it is the aforementioned faultdespite the fact that the mobile phone is not visible in the photographs.

Such was the massification of the images that the controversy reached the Emilia Foundation, an organization that promotes a responsible road culture and provides support to victims of road crimes.

Maite Orsini is accused of using her cell phone while driving

The user who apparently originally shared the photographs wrote alongside them: “Miss @maiteorsini does not know that manipulation of the device is not allowed during the entire driving time.”

“This also includes the moments in which the driver is waiting at a red light, at a block, at a ‘stop’ sign, etc.,” said the netizen.

Thus, the Emilia Foundation shared a note containing the photos of the deputy, and added: “The #NoChat Law prohibited manipulating devices while driving. The first cause of road accidents nationwide is ‘not paying attention to traffic conditions’. Please @MaiteOrsini connect with the road, not with the networks while driving“.

Even the NGO No Chat spoke out about it. “THESE behaviors are punishable by #LeyNoChat and represent a danger to everyone. It is prohibited to manipulate electronic devices while driving, even on red lights. Our parliamentarians should be the first to know the regulations, deputy @MaiteOrsini“.

From BioBioChile we contacted deputy Maite Orsini, however, until the time this note was published, there has been no official response.

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