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Lydia Cacho reacts to the death of Jean Succar Kuri: “The end of the nightmare”

The journalist and author of the book The Demons of Eden, Lydia Cacho, published a message on his social networks after the news about the death of Jean Succar Kurithe Lebanese businessman convicted of leading a child pornography and sexual abuse network: “the end of the nightmare.”

Lydia Cacho not only investigated and exposed the pedophile network led by Succar Kuri, she also became an activist and defender of the victims, reasons for which she was persecuted. kidnappedtortured and threatened with death.

“I have spent the last few hours speaking with survivors of Jean Succar Kuri’s child sexual exploitation: young people, women and men who were raped by him and his accomplices from the ages of 4, 10, 11 and 13. For them, the death of the pedophile means the end of the nightmare.”

Succar Kuri He died this Friday afternoon at the PlayaMed private hospital, to which he had been transferred from the prison in Cancún, Quintana Roo, due to health problems that he had manifested since last May 31.

(Photo: Twitter)

In 2005 Lydia Cacho published her book The Demons of Edenwhose central theme was a sexual exploitation network that included politicians and businessmen, among them: Jean Succar Kuri, Emilio Gamboa Patrón, Miguel Ángel Yunes Linares and Kamel Nacif.

That same year (December 16) the journalist was arrested in Quintana Roo and transferred by land to the state of Puebla – the accusations against her were for defamation and slander-; On her way, the police officers who were guarding her threatened to sexually abuse her; In Puebla, they put her in a “filthy dungeon,” they stripped her naked and took photographs of her in a room full of uniformed men. She was released a day later, but not before paying bail of 70 thousand pesos.

At that time, the governor of Puebla was Mario Marín, “famously” known as “the precious governor”; At least that’s the nickname Kamel Nacif gave him for “being the hero of the movie.”

“Yesterday I finished giving this old bitch a fucking slap in the head. That here in Puebla the law is respected and here there is no impunity and that here whoever commits a crime is called a criminal. He doesn’t want to play the victim and take advantage of it to gain publicity (…) If he is screwing and screwing, then he should also take his lumps, right?

Jean Succar Kuri led a pedophile network in Quintana Roo; He was sentenced to 93 years in prison Photo: Fuerza Informativa Azteca Archive

It was not until April 2019 when arrest warrants were issued against Mario Marín, Kamel Nacif and Hugo Adolfo Karamn Beltrán, the latter former director of the Judicial Police of Puebla, arrested in July 2023 and to whom a formal prison order was issued for the crime of torture.

Mario Marin He was captured in February 2021 by FGR agents in Acapulco, Guerrero.

Kamel Nacif He was arrested in Lebanon in 2020. Since Mexico does not have an extradition treaty with that country, it was agreed that he would be tried in his country of origin; However, in July 2021 he was released.

Jean Succar Kuri He was arrested in 2004 in the city of Los Angeles, California, after complaints from several women who accused him of having abused them when they were minors. At the request of the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), he was extradited to Mexico.

Succar Kuri was sentenced to 93 years in prison for leading a global network of abuse and child pornography; Although he tried to get his lawyers to get him the benefit of house arrest, he died before he could achieve it: he was 79 years old and on at least three occasions he confessed to having sexually abused girls from the age of four.

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