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Jessi Uribe spoke about the Colombian soccer final: “I know that the bucaros are going to win”

Jessi Uribe referred to the Colombian soccer final – courtesy @jessiuribe3/Instagram

On June 15, Bogotá will witness the final of the BetPlay League between Santa Fe and Atlético Bucaramanga. This match represents an important moment for the ‘bucaro’ team, which reaches a final for the first time, raising great expectations among the fans.

Since the final was announced, social networks have been full of predictions and messages of support from celebrities, among them is Jessi Uribe, a native of Bucaramanga, who expressed his confidence in the victory of the team from his homeland through his stories on Instagram: “I know that ‘bucaros’ is going to win, and I’m going to celebrate the first star… it’s my turn on Sunday when I go to Bucaramanga to spend Father’s Day with my children”.

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The singer revealed that he will be in the company of his children enjoying the game -credit @farandulacolomiana/Instagram

In addition to the passion for soccer that is presented on social networks, the authorities of the Colombian capital implemented rigorous security measures to guarantee success and tranquility during the event.

The Bogotá Metropolitan Police had 2,500 men and women, inside and outside the El Campín Stadium, in the Simón Bolívar and 93 parks, and the Galerías neighborhood. Likewise, there will be “100 facial recognition devices and background requests using fingerprint biometrics, and aerial patrols with two helicopters and six drones, before, during and after the soccer match,” can be read in the statement shared by the Mayor’s Office of Bogotá.

Atlético Bucaramanga and Santa Fe will face each other in the grand final of Colombian soccer – credit Colprensa

The celebration is not limited to the stadium, the capital’s administration had a giant screen in the Simón Bolívar Metropolitan Park from 2:00 pm, so that fans of ‘los cardenales’ and ‘los búcaros’ can enjoy this celebration.

This match has generated great expectations in recent years, since the team led by Pablo Peirano is the favorite to win the title. However, the Santander team arrives with a 1-0 advantage and the firm conviction of not letting victory slip away.

Pablo Peirano and Daniel Torres at the press conference for the BetPlay League final – credit Dimayor

Feeling the pressure is a privilege, It is an honor to be in this instance, it is a motivation, It is a great opportunity, a privilege to go for the goal. A pressure on something that can paralyze, we don’t have it, we always go for more and we are going to try to do that from the beginning (…) It is the most important game, it is the last battle, this team is going to fight and I hope Let him accompany the fans, we are all aligned to achieve the goal,” said the coach of the capital team in a press conference.

For his part, coach Rafael Dudamel spoke in a press conference about the great support that the Bumangués team has received: “What playing in a final means is having an entire city behind us. More than a city, we have felt that the entire country is sympathizing and supporting Atlético Bucaramanga.”

Rafael Dudamel trusts that Atlético Bucaramanga will defend the advantage in the final against Santa Fe and win its first star – credit Dimayor

The final of the BetPlay I League between Santa Fe and Atlético Bucaramanga will be played on Saturday, June 15 at 7:30 pm It will be broadcast on the sports channel Win Sports and will also be available on the virtual platform Win Sports Online.

Atlético Bucaramanga:

  • Aldair Quintana
  • Kevin Andres Cuesta
  • Jefferson Mena
  • Carlos Henao
  • Aldair Gutierrez
  • Fredy Hinestroza
  • Jean Colorado
  • Fabry Castro
  • Fabian Sambueza
  • Daniel Mosquera
  • Emerson Cordoba
  • Leonardo Flores

Independent Santa Fe

  • Diego Hernandez
  • Marcelo Ortiz
  • Dairon Mosquera
  • Julian Millan
  • David R. Pisciotti
  • Elvis Perlaza
  • John Melendez
  • Yilmar Velasquez
  • Jhojan Torres
  • Daniel Torres
  • Juan P. Zuluaga
  • Francisco Chaverra
  • Jerson González
  • Jose E. Correa
  • Agustin Rodriguez
  • Hugo Rodallega
  • Andrés M. Marmolejo
  • Juan Espitia
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