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Jesús Zambrano admits disappearance of the PRD after 35 years: “It no longer exists”

Jesús Zambrano accepts defeat of the PRD (Presidency)

Jesus Zambranonational president of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), admitted defeat after Sol Azteca did not reach the 3% required to maintain its record.

From the National New Left Meeting, he accepted that the political party left behind the era in which it played an important role in the democratic transition.

That PRD that we built 35 years ago no longer exists more like such, but the enthusiasm and conviction to continue fighting for a democracy that is now surpassed and a homeland for all is still alive, it must be said,” he declared on June 15.

The PRD leader did not clarify whether he has plans to create a new political party. But he did assure that the PRD militancy has what is necessary to start “a new cycle.”

Jesús Zambrano acknowledged that there were errors on the part of Fuerza y ​​Corazón por México Photo: Infobae México/Baruc Mayen

“I cannot hide my sadness for what is happening but we have come this far to close a cycle and I hope that with all that it means, with all this political capital that we accumulate we have to start a new cycle“, said.

Zambrano added that the situation he faces in the PRD also represents closure on a personal level.

“The cycle of those huge democratic reforms that the PRD helped build is also closing and a cycle of our life is also closing,” he said.

On the other hand, he recognized that the coalition that Sol Azteca formed with the National Action parties (BREAD) and Institutional Revolutionary (PRI), made mistakes in the 2024 presidential elections.

The PRD was in force on the Mexican political scene for 35 years (PRD State of Mexico)

“The social majority rejected Xóchitl and the PRI-PAN-PRD coalition. He didn’t trust us. We didn’t earn it. Certainly, they were committed multiple errors in the opposition coalition. There was never a campaign strategy discussed and agreed upon by everyone: with the candidate, the allied parties and the representation of civil society,” she noted.

The National Electoral Institute (INE) sent a preventive notice to the PRD about the imminent loss of registration as a national political party. The measure comes after the party did not reach 3% of the federal vote in the elections on June 2.

The Technical Inspection Unit (UTF) of the INE indicated that the PRD is now in a “prevention phase”. This procedure occurs as a consequence of the General Council of the INE must validate the electoral counts, which revealed that the party did not obtain the minimum popular support required to maintain its registration.

The last word lies with the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF), which will analyze the case and decide whether to issue an official declaration or reverse the INE resolution.

The Sol Azteca party did not reach the minimum required to maintain its national registration (Cuartoscuro)

The highest court has until August to resolve any challenges that the Sol Azteca leadership may present. Meanwhile, the INE Oversight Commission will hold a draw to identify the auditor who will carry out the liquidation of the political party.

The PRD was founded on May 5, 1989 in Mexico. It emerged as a coalition of various political forces and social movements, including the Mexican Socialist Party (PMS) and former members of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) dissatisfied with the latter’s policies. Its creation was mainly driven by Cuauhtemoc Cardenaswho was also its first presidential candidate.

It positioned itself as a left-wing party, advocating social justice, the democratization of the country and the defense of human rights. In its history, it has experienced significant growth, coming to govern Mexico City and several states in the country, in addition to having significant representation in Congress.

Over the years, the PRD has faced internal and external challenges, including internal divisions and loss of militancy towards other movements and parties, such as the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA).

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