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Tatiana Calmell del Solar: what she thinks about beauty, the “world of misses” and the controversial last edition of Miss Peru | interview | ARE

Tatiana Calmell del Solar She will turn 30 on July 22, having achieved one of her most dreamed goals: to be crowned the most beautiful woman in the country. Not only because of the title, nor the diamond crown, but because it meant fulfilling a promise she made to herself when she returned to the ring after finishing as second finalist in the Miss Peru 2022: “The tears, the effort, and the bad and good days will be worth it.”.

Selected from 34 participants from various locations in the country, Calmell del Solar It didn’t take much to shine. Her charisma and sweetness, as her own fellow competitors point out, were key to the success of the Talara representative in the contest directed by Jessica Newton.

Despite the criticism on social networks about the organization of the event and obtaining the crown, Tatiana remains a believer in her value and talent and savors success before beginning her preparations to dazzle in Mexico at the 73rd Miss Universe edition. The objective? Try, again, the crown.

Calmell del Solar (29) will represent us in the 73rd edition of Miss Universe, to be held at the end of September of this year in Mexico. (Photo: Richard Hirano)


Since when did it become a personal dream to be Miss Peru?

Actually from a very young age. But since she was a model, back then there was a stigma that they were two worlds that couldn’t mix. Especially in the Peruvian industry. So out of fear of what people will say, I got into my modeling bubble, I clipped my own wings.

Did you want to break down a stereotype?

I realized that it was something I genuinely wanted when I started my career as an actress in 2019. That’s when I realized that I could dream of being much more than just a model, that I had other abilities and talents, so I tried for the first time in 2022 and it was a beautiful experience.

In that edition you were second finalist. It takes courage to try the contest once again. Why did you decide to do it?

First, regardless of my desire, I was able to do it thanks to the fact that the Miss Universe rules regarding the age limit changed. It was something historic, and I took it as a sign.

Regarding the criticism of her coronation, fellow contestants such as Nayaj Gámez and Nikita Palma have shared displays of support and congratulations for Calmell del Solar on social networks. “She is a being of light,” they say. (Photo: Jesús Saucedo)


More dreams to fulfill

After leaving her mark and trying for the crown in the next edition of Miss Universe, Tatiana Calmell del Solar plans to focus on enhancing her career as an actress, as she has already tried leading roles on television (Princesses, ProTV, 2020) and movies (Star Distribution LA, 2024).

Likewise, she considers continuing to grow with her boyfriend, Cristobal de Col, with whom she has established a home in Los Órganos, Piura.

For many you were the favorite, but until the end nothing is said. Were you afraid of the results of this edition?

I believe that we have to be honest with ourselves when fighting for our dreams. There may be a thousand obstacles, fears and internal struggles, but when it is something you want then the heart, mind and body go to work for it. Of course I thought about throwing in the towel, I would be lying to you if I said no. But now that I see the result I realize that it was all worth it.

The world of ‘misses’ is still linked to many beliefs, perhaps sexist, such as rivalry between women. It is real?

Real bonds are formed at the pageant. People often think that it is not true, but the truth is that true friendships are born. Obviously competitiveness is inherent to the scenario, but beyond that no strong or controversial rivalries are generated. At the end of the day, I consider that the real meaning of the contest is the celebration of women, women who have evolved in the competition and reach their best version.

Calmell assures that one of her most important coaches is her boyfriend, surfer Cristóbal de Col, who was crowned junior world champion at ISA 2011. “He is just as competitive as me,” says the model. (Photo: Instagram)

On that point, what do you think of those who think that, rather, pageants continue to perpetuate negative stereotypes of beauty?

It is something that has changed over time. It happened to me, I saw it as a world away that I couldn’t tempt. Furthermore, there is the other side, I believe that the pageant empowers and celebrates these women because it is not easy to dare to be exposed in a showcase to the world, without stopping smiling.

Decades ago there were no social networks, a space where they are exposed every day, with everything they say or do.

It’s not easy to stop and smile while you receive all kinds of comments online. Being a beauty queen comes with a whole process. One day they may love you and applaud you, and the next day those same people attack you. It’s difficult to deal with, but not impossible. My attitude is to let the messages and comments that I don’t identify with pass by, because I know what my value is.

In March of this year, Tatiana Calmell starred in the film “Welcome to Paradise”, alongside figures such as Katia Condos and Patricia Barreto. It will soon be available via Star+. (Photo: Instagram)

The organization of this edition has also been criticized in terms of the event, unfortunately. How did you experience it first hand?

Look, the truth was I didn’t find out until later, because I was very focused on my participation. But it seemed incredible to me. Compared to what I saw in 2022, this year there has definitely been an evolution, on the stage, the lighting production, camera equipment, we had a Steadycam, crane… all those things give it value. I don’t have anything bad to say because there really is a huge effort behind it that not many see.

Among the favorites

With headquarters yet to be confirmed in Mexico, the next edition of Miss Universe will be held on September 28 of this year. Since her election as Miss Peru last Sunday, Tatiana Calmell del Solar shines as one of the favorite faces of the contest among ‘missologos’ (specialists), along with the representatives of the Dominican Republic, the Philippines and Venezuela.

Looking ahead to the Miss Universe gala in September, what preparations lie ahead?

Jeff Lee is going to be my ‘coach’ and we are going to promote different skills between Lima and New York, which is his base. I am delighted with everything I am going to learn about the industry. I know I have many things to improve, I don’t pretend to be perfect.

As Miss Peru you will also do social work. How do you plan to organize yourself in that regard?

That’s how it is. It motivates me to be able to promote different causes. They will soon name me ambassador of Cusco and it is an honor for me that will also allow us to decentralize efforts from the capital. We plan to focus on problems such as malnutrition and education in children. We are aware that there is a lot to do, but little by little we can achieve great things. //

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