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Laura Madrueño’s tearful farewell to ‘Survivors’ and the emotional blackout of the ‘Palapa’

The final stretch of Survivors, feelings are on the surface. After an emotional and very hard expulsion between Torres and Gorka, this Sunday Laura Madrueño He said goodbye to the four finalists with the iconic closing of the ‘Palapa’. A farewell in which the presenter – for the second year leading the program from the island – could not avoid tears after three months in the Cayos Cochinos.

“102 days have passed since we lit this Palapa for the first time. Under the watchful eye of Poseidon, this great temple of stone, fire and water lit its torches to receive twenty new braves who dared to be part of Survivors“, began his speech, while the lights of ‘la Palapa’ went out.

Fifteen weeks of adventures in which hunger, fatigue, exhaustion and laziness became their enemies. And they became prey to them. Without imagining that they were going to have strong opponents. Bravery, self-improvement, courage and struggle made them overcome, despite everything, managing to become true examples of the word survive. Tonight we turn off the Palapa for them. A Palapa that goes out after having made history“he added.

However, Laura’s tears came with the words dedicated to her companions: “They are the real protagonists. Thank you all for having been with me. Thank you to everyone who makes this program possible. Thanks for joining us. Thank you for living this adventure from start to finish. Thank you for giving your all and for making the magic of Survivors, and for having taken care of me all these months. And now, team, we turn off the torches,” she said, completely broken.

Thus, the torches went out, leaving the iconic ‘Palapa’ completely dark, although it will not take long for the lights to be turned on again with the beginning of Survivors: All Stars this Thursday, June 20. However, first it will be known who of the four finalists – Arkano, Marieta, Pedro García Aguado or Rubén Torres – will win the coveted briefcase.

The ‘Survivors’ organization in the spotlight

It should be remembered that the organization of the Telecinco format together with the production company, Cuarzo Producciones, have been in the spotlight throughout the contest. His decisions have been questioned on more than one occasion, as happened, for example, with his position regarding Carmen Borrego. María Teresa Campos’ daughter did not participate in most of the reward tests and, in addition, she was removed from coexistence after feeling ‘unwell’. A gesture that did not please the viewers at all, who argued that Terelu Campos’ sister was receiving favorable treatment compared to the rest of the contestants.

In the same way, Maite Galdeano’s visit to Rubén Torres, the penance imposed on Marieta to receive her mother’s hug or the numerous salvations of Blanca Manchón were in the spotlight by the spectators. Furthermore, the double standards of the production company were questioned after Ángel Cristo Jr.’s confession and his encounter with Arantxa del Sol.

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