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Why National Latin American Freedom Day is commemorated

Since 1999, Argentina annually commemorates the National Latin American Freedom Day on June 17in accordance with the provisions of Law 25,173.

This special date is dedicated to honor the memory of General Martín Miguel de Güemeswho died in 1821. Güemes, recognized as the “gaucho hero”, was born in Salta on February 8, 1785 and played a crucial role in the civil wars and the gaucho war, as he bravely defended Argentine territory from the realistic invasions.

His tenacious resistance was essential to protect the north of the country, which allowed San Martín to successfully carry out the liberation campaign in Chile and Peru after crossing the Andes.

National Latin American Freedom Day not only celebrates Güemes’ courage and determination, but also his significant contribution to the independence cause and the consolidation of national sovereignty in Argentina and beyond.

Güemes’ military career

Their fight and bravery were essential to protect northern Argentina.

Martin Miguel de Guemes He came from a noble family and studied in his hometown, Salta. At age 14, he joined the Buenos Aires Fixed Infantry Regiment. In 1805, he was transferred to Buenos Aires, where he distinguished himself during the English Invasions to defend the city with heroism.

In 1810, Güemes led a gaucho squadron in the Quebrada de Humahuaca, blocking communication between opponents of the new regime and the royalists of Upper Peru. His intervention was key in the battle of Suipachathe only patriotic success in the mission to recover the high Peruvian territory.

In 1815, the Salta Town Council appointed him governor of the Municipality of Salta, which included the current provinces of Salta, Jujuy and the Bolivian region of Tarija. During his mandate, Güemes organized the defense of the region against royalist forces, implementing guerrilla tactics that were key to maintaining patriot control in northern Argentina.

In 1817, Güemes successfully repelled several royalist invasions, including the important campaign led by General Pedro Antonio de Olañeta. His actions not only protected Argentine territory, but also They allowed San Martín to carry out his campaign in Chile and Peru without the constant threat of an attack in the north.

Tribute to the gaucho hero

Each June 17, Argentina pays tribute to Güemes with a national holiday. Activities include official ceremonies, parades and cultural events highlighting their heroic defense of the country’s independence. The figure of Güemes continues to be an emblem of courage and patriotism, celebrated and remembered by the nation.

He June 17 It is not only a national holiday, but an opportunity to remember and celebrate the life and achievements of Martín Miguel de Güemes, a true hero of Argentine independence.

Their efforts were not only important for independence, but they also left a legacy of courage and patriotism that endures in the collective memory of Argentines.

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