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Joaquín Prat says what everyone thinks after Gorka’s expulsion from ‘Survivors 2024’

Gorka’s expulsion from Survivors 2024, Just one gala away from the grand finale of the Telecinco reality show, it has surprised everyone and everyone. With 13 votes difference with Torres, the other nominee of the night, the one who was a contestant on The Conqueror has been left out of the competition with many comments pointing out injustice with a great contestant like him.

But the truth is that Torres’ expulsion would also have been highly questioned because he has had a winner’s contest, winning the most necklaces in the tests compared to other celebrities who continue in the race for the 200,000 euro prize.

On the morning of Monday, June 17, hours after the ‘tragic’ moment on the reality show, from We’ll seethe program presented by Joaquín Prat, have commented on this situation.

Gorka in ‘Survivors 2024’. (Mediaset Spain)

The presenter has not been shy about pointing out what the majority of the audience thinks: “This is a game and it has happened that Two people have been nominated who, in my opinion, should be in the final. And you had to choose between one of the two…”, implying that there are other contestants who are too many at this point in time. Survivors.


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The program’s commentators have put in the center of the target to Marieta or Arkanonot understanding that they have gone further than Gorka when his performance has been, as they pointed out, less brilliant than that of the expelled man.

Likewise, Prat, upon seeing how the Basque’s passage was questioned due to having been in many conflicts during those months, added the following: “If you don’t get wet like others who haven’t gotten wet, you don’t position the audience,” highlighting its global participation as positive.

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