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Christian Chávez admits distance between the RBD

Although he I’m Rebel Tour It was a complete success, the truth is that for Anahi, Sweet Maria, Maite Perroni, Christian Chavez and Christopher Ukermann Things didn’t go well at all. And even though they packed every stadium and arena in which they performed, inside RBD A very delicate situation has been experienced because some irregularities were detected in the group’s finances, which is why they even fired their manager, Guillermo Rosas, who has been singled out for this situation. In fact, all these events have also marked the relationships between the band members, who have distanced themselves as a result of this complicated scenario. Something Christian talked about in a recent interview, in which he admitted that the group is not going through its best moment.

RBD is going through an extremely delicate moment

It was during a talk he had with the program First hand that Chávez responded to questions related to his RBD colleagues, an opportunity in which he was responsible for confirming that things within the band are not entirely well. “We are not as united as we were, but we hope that all that can be resolved,” said the actor, also confident that they will be able to resolve their differences.

In that same sense, Christian revealed that, despite being one of the RBD members closest to Anahí, they are currently estranged, although he was once again optimistic about the future of his relationship with the singer. “(Our relationship) is not good unfortunately, but it happens like in families, you don’t have the same ways of thinking sometimes,” he said.

Christian Chávez admitted that there is a distance between the band

What Anahí has ​​said about her relationship with Christian Chávez

As is well known, after the separation of RBD, more than 15 years ago, Christian Chávez and Anahí managed to forge a close friendship. However, the singer’s closeness to the band’s former manager caused their coexistence to be affected, to the point where they are now estranged.

However, for Anahí, the love and support that she has always shown to her colleague remains intact, despite the circumstances. “I wouldn’t like to talk about anyone’s personal things, what I can tell you is that Christian knows, and everyone knows it, that whenever he needed me I have been there for him and that doesn’t change,” he revealed in a recent chat with the program the sun rises.

Anahí and Christian trusted that they will resume their relationship
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