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The indigenous Muras of Brazil seek to stop a gas field in the heart of the Amazon

Silves (Brazil), June 19 (EFE).- The extraction of natural gas in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon has put…

Silves (Brazil), June 19 (EFE).- The extraction of natural gas in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon has put the Mura people on a war footing. While the authorities talk about development for the region, this ethnic group fears for the rivers and forests on which they live and has engaged in a legal fight to stop the project. IMAGES: Alex Mirkhan – Antonio Lacerda. RESOURCES OF THE AMAZON FOREST AND STATEMENTS OF CACIQUE JONAS MURA AND CACICA IVANILDE DOS SANTOS. key words: efe, featured, brazil, environment, conservation, resources, gas TRANSLATION: Cacique Jonas Mura: “Those who are suffering these environmental impacts are us indigenous people who live here in the region, because the animals we hunt disappear, our “fish disappear, our forest is destroyed, our wood, our trees.” “President (Lula), think about the situation of what you are doing by freeing these companies and selling our territories. We are the owners of these territories, the true owners of these territories. And we live here and we depend on it for our survival. Yes This ends, where will we go?” Cacica Ivanilde dos Santos: “The gas story began, but we were happy ‘the gas is going to be cheap’, because the gas here in our municipality… we had no idea what was going to happen. So many people thought that. ” “(Gas) increased even more and many people stopped buying gas.” “Here our Anebá river decreased (the amount of fish), there were a lot of Jaraqui, Mapará, Pacu, Tucunaré. But this year we didn’t even have Jaraquí here in our river. Matrixã yes, because it got a little full” “I’m afraid that “This happens and also that waste can leak from these perforations, causing diseases in our fish, as we have already seen.”

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