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“He still had glass on his forehead”: Felipe Herrera’s former complainant recounts brutal assault for denying him a dance at the disco

A new story gives an account of the serious antecedents that weigh on Felipe Herrera (39), the Chilean engineer who confessed to the femicide of his partner in the city of Córdoba, Argentina.

In addition to what was stated by his ex-girlfriend, who reported him for domestic violence, during the morning of this Wednesday the testimony of Carla, who also had a relationship with the subject.

In with you in the morningthe young woman recognized that “I am shocked by the news. I found out yesterday. “It is totally traumatic to relive and remember what I went through.”.

“I met him at a nightclub, I was with my husband. We went for a birthday and I was a couple of weeks pregnant. I start dancing with my friend and he approaches with another guy. “He insisted, because I think he was drunk and had drugs on him.”he recalled.

“When I push him away with my hand, he tells me why I push him, and he throws the pompadour in our faces. I give him the juice back and he shakes my head and hits me on the forehead with the glass. I was unable to talk about this topic for a long time, because it was super traumatic for me. “It was a terrible process, because he left me a scar.”he continued.

“He laughed”

Additionally, the woman said she went to trial and had a “reconstruction” with a plastic surgeon. “Months later, I still had glass on my forehead, and I was left with a scar on my face because of this. “It really is horrible”revealed.

“We were in court for a couple of years. I lived my entire pregnancy process in testimony with him, we went to the hearings with my husband and he laughed. Zero regrets, neither does his family”he concluded.

Finally, he clarified that Herrera could not be arrested, “because I didn’t ask for the eye or the bus. The profile of this was lowered. I finally received minor financial compensation. What I experienced is not worth what I won in that trial. I had a very bad time”.

Phone 1455

1455 is a counseling line, staffed by violence specialists, that provides guidance to all women who suffer or witness physical and/or abuse. psychological. His function is to inform women about their rights, reporting processes and services, Women’s Centers[+] and help offered by SernamEG[+] (National Service for Women and Gender Equality) to support women who experience violence. Opening hours of 1455 08:00 to 00:00 hours except holidays.

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