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Tropical Storm ‘Alberto’ advances towards Tamaulipas and Veracruz; will make landfall tonight | LIVE

National Civil Protection Coordination maintains orange alert due to the Tropical Storm

Southeast Tamaulipas and Northern Veracruz are in high danger due to the proximity of Tropical Storm “Alberto”. The population is recommended to take the following measures:

  • If you live near a river or lagoon, you should monitor the water level.
  • Evacuate risk areas and go to a temporary shelter in case your homes are not safe.
  • Close doors and windows, as well as cut off the gas and electricity supply.

Government of Mexico calls on the population to take extreme precautions due to the effects of the Tropical Storm

Due to the forecast of rain and winds caused by Tropical Storm “Alberto” of different magnitudes in more than ten states of the country, the Government of Mexico calls on the population to take extreme precautions and stay informed about the evolution of this phenomenon.

In addition, he reported that the DN-III-E Plan, Marine Plan, GN Aid Plan and CFE Emergency Plan are already active. In terms of protection, the suspension of work at all levels of educational centers, closure of ports and access to beaches has been decreed.

In the country, 6,726 temporary shelters have been set up located in Aguascalientes, Jalisco, Nuevo León, Puebla, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Yucatán and Zacatecas.

Tropical Storm Alberto is approaching the coasts of Veracruz and Tamaulipas. (SMN/Conagua)

The National Civil Protection Coordination maintains orange alert for Tropical Storm in the Atlantic Ocean. Until the report at 3:30 p.m., it was located 210 kilometers east of Cabo Rojo, Veracruz and 270 kilometers east of Tampico, Tamaulipas.

Alert level by state and recommendations to the population:

  • Orange alert: Veracruz north, and Tamaulipas southeast.

It is recommended to evacuate risk areas and go to temporary shelters in case your homes are not safe.

Close doors and windows, cut off the gas and electricity supply.

  • Yellow Alert: Tamaulipas south, southeast and center; Veracruz center; San Luis Potosi center and southeast; Gentleman northeast; Puebla north.

Identify the nearest temporary shelter in case you need to move.

Store personal documents in plastic bags.

  • Green Alert: Tamaulipas northeast, north and north center; Veracruz south; New Lion south, center and east; San Luis Potosi northwest, west and southwest; Guanajuato northeast; Queretaro north and northeast; Gentleman north.

Clean roofs, drains, channels and drains to avoid puddles and flooding.

  • Blue Alert: New Lion north; Coahuila southeast; Zacatecas southeast, center and north; Jalisconortheast; Guanajuato center and north; Aguascalientes this; Queretaro center; Hidalgo east, center and northwest.

Stay tuned for weather updates.

In the case of Yucatan northwest and west; Campeche north, center and southwest; Tabasco west and north, the effects are predicted to be minimal

Tropical Storm Alberto: What should I put in an emergency backpack for hurricanes and cyclones

At 9:00 a.m., central Mexico time, Tropical Storm Alberto formed, threatening different states of the country.

Having this kit on hand can help you in a risky situation (Freepik)

On the morning of this Wednesday, June 19, the Tropical storm Alberto in the Gulf of Mexico. He National Meteorological Servicel (SMN) reported that the phenomenon is heading towards the coasts of Mexico and could hit land today.

Due to the intensity of the tropical storm, rain and cloudiness are generated in the states of Campeche, Chiapas, Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Puebla, Querétaro, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosí, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Veracruz, Yucatán.

In Veracruz strong winds and rain are recorded. The National Meteorological Service reported that showers, electric shocks and possible hail are forecast in the regions of Huasteca Alta, Huasteca Baja, Totonaca, Nautla, Sotavento, Capital, Las Montañas, Papaloapan, Los Tuxtlas and Olmeca.

Shelters are set up in the region for the population that must take shelter from the possible effects of the tropical storm.

Recommendations of the Government of the State of Veracruz in the face of the arrival of the Tropical Storm. Credit: X|@PCEstatalVer

Heavy rains and waves are recorded in Tamaulipas. The army is in the streets carrying out tours as part of the activation of the DN-III-E Plan, as well as personnel from the Navy and the National Guard.

The National Weather Service (SMN) reported that during the afternoon today Tropical Storm “Alberto” is expected to maintain its movement to the west and that, as it approaches the coasts of Veracruz and Tamaulipas, it will increase its speed and enter land between 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.: 00 hours this Wednesday to the country.

The National Civil Protection Coordination recommends the following to the population located in the regions where Tropical Storm “Alberto” will hit:

  • Stay informed through the official channels of the National Civil Protection Coordination (CNPC) and the National Water Commission (CONAGUA).
  • Remove yourself from risk areas, avoid crossing rivers, streams and mountain areas, as flooding, runoff, landslides or landslides could occur.
  • If you live in risk areas, you must evacuate in accordance with the instructions of local authorities and go to the nearest temporary shelter or with family members.
  • In the event of strong winds, you should secure the roofs of your home to reduce the risk of accidents and protect windows.
  • In case of electrical storms, try not to use electronic equipment; If they are outside, they must seek refuge in a building.
  • If it is not necessary to go out, they should stay home to wait out the storm.
  • Charge cell phones due to possible power outages.

Campeche suspends classes after the passage of Tropical Storm ‘Alberto’

Due to the effects that this natural phenomenon can bring, the authorities decided not to risk the students of the entity

The SEP considers that it is necessary to protect its students to avoid greater tragedies. (Special)

With the aim of prioritizing the lives of hundreds of boys, girls, adolescents and young people who attend classes daily, the Secretary of Education of the State of Campeche (SEDUC) reported that classes would be suspended this Wednesday due to the passage of the Tropical Storm ‘Alberto’.

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