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Myth or Reality? These are the best memes for Yellow Day, the happiest day of the year

Written in NATION he 6/20/2024 · 04:01 a.m.

Last update: 6/20/2024 · 01:04 a.m.

The concept of Yellow Day arose as a positive response to the concept of its counterpart, the Blue Monday. The color yellow is associated with the happinessenergy and optimismwhich reinforces the idea that Yellow Day is a day to feel happy and positive. This color It is also associated with sunlight, which is a key factor in explaining Yellow Day.


At least that’s how a group of people consider it. experts that uniting different factors psychological and meteorologicalthey have found the formula math which defines that June 20 would be the most happya date where, regardless of the events that condition us personally, we will have more probabilities to be in a good mood and, therefore, have a good day.

It was the psychologist Cliff Arnall who created the concept of the saddest day a couple of decades ago, and determined its date exact based on factors that have to do with weather conditions, the economic situation, or leisure and rest time. These factors are not random. SecEven the experts, the temperature outer stocking that best adapts to the body human It is located between 20 and 21ºC. Besides, sunshine It is essential for the functioning of our body, since it allows us, among other things, to regulate the production of hormones such as serotonin, melatonin and cortisol, which affect to our sleep, hunger and mood routines.

And to celebrate this wonderful day we share the best memes:

He Yellow Day has a reason to celebrate June 20th and on this day there is an increase in the temperature planetary, as well as a longer period of light due to the change of season; the arrival of summer.

But the reasons for celebrating it on June 20 do not stop there, and is that its selection was due to an equation math that combines several factors, coined by meteorologists and psychologists. The formula is: O+ (NXS) / T + He.

Other reasons a little more subjective They have to do with the association we make with the arrival of the summerwhich for many may include a period of vacation either the arrival of extra pay.

In it World Happiness Report 2024Mexico is in position 25 among the happiest countries in the world. world. This classification represents a Advance significant for the country, which has gone getting better in recent years due to factors such as social support and resilience in the face of adversitieslike the COVID-19 pandemic.


In any case, taking all this into account, it is not at all strange that the term was chosen Yellow Day to define the day more happy of the year. Remember that you are more likely to spend time doing activities abroad also influences the significant improvement of our state of cheer up.

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