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NALEO criticizes the absence of Biden and Trump in the assembly despite the importance of the Latino vote

Miami, June 20 (EFE).- The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) regretted this Thursday the absence of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump (2017-2021) at its annual meeting in Las Vegas (Nevada). despite the importance of the Latino vote in this “critical” election year.

Arturo Vargas, director of NALEO, was “disappointed” and said that it was a “mistake” and an “affront” to ignore the invitation to both of them for the 41st edition of their annual meeting.

“With less than six months until the presidential election, where Latinos are poised to play a decisive role in races across the country, we are disappointed that both presumptive presidential candidates have decided to pass up the opportunity to speak at the largest gathering of Latinos. elected and appointed officials in the nation,” Vargas said in a statement.

The Hispanic organization, one of the most important in the United States that promotes the vote of this community, projects that a “record” of 17.5 million Hispanics will go to the polls next November.

“Both candidates are making an unforced error by squandering a unique opportunity to reach and engage with two of the fastest-growing communities in the United States,” Vargas said.

The NALEO leader thus referred to the Latina, and also to the Asian, since it was planned that the Presidential Candidate Forum he planned was going to be a joint session with the Elected and Appointed Asian American Pacific Islander Leaders ( AAPI LEAD).

“His absence is an affront to the contributions and sacrifices that Latino elected and appointed officials make for this country and its constituents day after day,” Vargas added.

NALEO has called on voters, parties and candidates to galvanize this community to realize its power.

The annual meeting, which began Tuesday and ends today, brought together more than a thousand Latino elected officials and national leaders from across the country.

Vargas has pointed out that since 1992 presidents, vice presidents and candidates of both parties have accepted the invitation to speak before Latino leaders.”

Biden had already attended a conference, while Trump has been invited since 2016 but has not appeared.

The annual meeting of NALEO, which has become an important political forum, has on other occasions been attended by personalities such as former President Barack Obama (2009-2017), and former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders have also spoken at this forum.

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