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Javier Milei in Rosario: minute by minute of the Flag Day event

The event for Flag Day ended

Milei called on political leaders, unions and businessmen to sign the May Pact on July 9

President Javier Milei in Rosario

He President of the Nation, Javier Mileiin his speech at the event for the Flag Dayin Rosario, summoned former presidents, governors, members of the Court, businessmen and union members to sign the May Pactnext July 9, in the city of Tucuman.

“It is essential that all of us who share the cause of freedom put aside our partisan blinders, we let’s get rid of our particular interests and work together to establish the new economic order”, he stated.

Maximiliano Pullaro complained to Javier Milei for public works

Pullaro complained to Milei for the Public Works

The governor of the province of Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullarowas the second leader to speak at the event for the Flag Day, in Rosarioand emphasized the importance of the patriotic event and security in the city of Santa Fe, but also complained to the president, Javier Milei, about the public works.

It is a very important act, because for years it was an act ignored, forgotten and politicized.”, assured the provincial leader in his speech.

Then, he spoke about security in the city of Rosario. “I want to thank you President and his ministers, because a few months ago the narcoterrorism attacked a city”.

“We are putting order in the prison and on the streets. Here in Rosario we are a town of working people who want to live in peace,” he added.

And he maintained: “Today, on the day that we evoke Belgranowe show that Argentines are much stronger when we are together”.

While regarding public works, he claimed: “Mr. President, look at this country, look at the productive interior, We lack infrastructure works to develop and be able to deploy all the potential that our country has. We also need our young people are in universities. And of course we need fiscal balance and from the provinces we are accompanying. But we also need economic development, growth and unifying our educational system with our productive system.”

“We need federalism. Santa Fe is the countryside, it is the industry, it is commerce, it is the river, it is our port and our universities. Come back, you will always be welcome here every June 20 in pursuit of the unity of the Argentine Republic. We will accompany development with fiscal balance from here”, he concluded.

The mayor of Rosario, Pablo Javkin, was the first to speak

The verses of the National Anthem were sung

The event began with the raising of the Argentine flag

The event for Flag Day began in Rosario

Javier Milei with the governor of Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullaro

Mondino called on society to attend with flags

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship of Argentina, Diana Mondinoshared on his social networks an image of the Monument to the flag and called to attend the patriotic event with Argentine flags.

“Already in Rosario! Come all with your flags!!”, wrote the national official, along with the image, on the social network X.

Diana Mondino’s publication

When was the last time Milei was in Rosario

Javier Milei, in Rosario, in November of last year (REUTERS/Luciano Bisbal DO NOT RESALES. DO NOT ARCHIVE)

He President Milei will return to Rosarioa city marked by drug violence, after the visit he carried out on November 14, when led a massive campaign event before going head to head with Sergio Massa in the runoff.

Five days after the meeting with his militants meters from the Monument to the flag, The libertarian leader obtained a resounding victory at the polls and won the Presidencyto.

At that moment, the libertarian economist arrived at the place aboard a double-cab truck, in which, in addition to his sister and current Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei, the former candidate for Buenos Aires governor of his space was traveling, Carolina Piparoand the national representative elected in the province of Santa Fe, Romina Diez.

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