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Trump’s lawyers asked that the judge in a case against him be removed from the case

Following the motion presented by Alina Habba and Clifford Robert, it will be evaluated whether Arthur Engoron participated in an inappropriate conversation about the case with lawyer Adam Leitman Bailey.

Trial against Donald Trump in New York. Photo: EFE

The lawyers of the former president of USA, donald trumpthey asked the judge this Thursday Arthur Engoron to give up the case business fraud which he presided over against his client, based on an investigation opened against the magistrate after learning of a conversation he had with a real estate lawyer.

Lawyers on Trump’s defense team Alina Habba and Clifford Robertthey came before him Supreme Court with a 24 page motion in which they point out that the judge did not notify them of said conversation, and that after it came to light in May on the network ‘WNBC‘, motivated the Judicial Conduct Commission began an investigation into Engoron.

Arthur Engoron of the corporate fraud civil suit against Donald Trump. Photo: Reuters.

According to ‘WNBC‘, which cited sources familiar with the investigation, it is being evaluated whether Engoron participated in a inappropriate conversation about the case with the lawyer Adam Leitman Bailey three weeks before issuing his guilty verdict after concluding the trial.

The Commission asked Bailey to turn over any emails and texts he may have exchanged with Judge Engoron.

Last February, Engoron ordered Trump and his companies to pay almost 355 million dollars in profits from his fraud or “ill-gotten gains” in a trial in which the real estate magnate and his companies, his two eldest sons and a former top executive were also accused.

The charges for which he was pleaded guiltywhich were presented by the Attorney General of the state, include: issue false financial statements, falsify business records and conspiracy.

Trial against Donald Trump in New York. Photo: EFE.

Bailey, whose law license was once suspended in part for curse your opponentshe indicated in the interview with ‘WNBC‘that he had conversed with Engoron”because I wanted you to know what I think“, and assured that they never mentioned Trump’s name.

When the lawyer was asked if it was clear what case they had discussed, he responded to the network that “obviously we weren’t talking about the Mets” (the name of the famous baseball team). Immediately, the Commission on Judicial Conduct announced that it would conduct an investigation of the judge.

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Doubts about external influences

Trump’s lawyers further indicated in the motion that reports of ‘WNBC‘ about Bailey’s public statements raise doubts about external influences that weighed on the judge, prior to handing down his sentence, and warned that if Engoron does not withdraw from the case they will request a audience to deepen the conversation.

Representation of Arthur Engoron and Donald Trump in full trial. Photo: Reuters.

“Allegations have emerged that reveal that this Court may have participated in fundamentally incompatible actions with the responsibilities inherent in putting on the black robe and judging,” the lawyers stated in said motion.

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