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Cate Blanchett criticizes the eccentricities of businessmen

The movie star Cate Blanchettwho is also a renowned advocate for solutions against climate change In addition to being co-founder of the production company Dirty Films, she criticized some of the most controversial actions of the world’s great businessmen in a conversation about environmental challenges and innovative solutions in a conference in Munich (south).

“We have reached a point where a single person is rich enough to own a spacecraftsomething that governments can only dream,” Blanchett said in the conference held in the capital of Bavaria and entitled ‘We Choose Earth Tour 24’.

The actress commented disapprovingly that this luxury takes place in the world where “thousands of people spend hunger and are displaced due to wars“.

For her, this situation is a symptom that “something is very evil“.

A meeting about climate crisis

Blanchett made these statements in his intervention In the second edition of this conferencepromoted by the multinational Portuguese energy company EDP.

In this public event, individuals and companies are involved and mobilized to address the climate crisis and adapt preservation measures environmentalespecially now that global heat has reached its highest point in the last decade, those responsible for ‘We Choose Earth Tour 24’ recalled this Thursday.

During her speech, Blanchett highlighted the work of EDP for its involvement with the sustainability and urged to promote a greener, fairer and safer world and added that this requires not only renewable energy, but – in his opinion – renewable energy “well done.”

The producer of the ‘Climate Change’ podcast also invited the private businesses to try and include the renewable energy in his identity pointing out that “it is justice together with sustainability which must be at the core of every industry from now on.

As for the green energiesBlanchett emphasized that they are not only a possibility, but a reality that, well managed, still produces “benefits reasonable for its shareholders”.

On the other hand, before receiving applause he stated: “If we have reached a point where some leaders They seriously think that leaving the planet mess is an option worth considering, so it’s time for us to come together.

Finally, the movie star asked the new entrepreneurs add inside your strategiesamong other things, “honor and its derivative, transparency; emotion, which is an energizer, and its derivative, courage” as well as “curiosity and imagination.”

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