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La Dian spoke out before the closure of the Doña Segunda picket line: “Tax evasion is a crime”

Doña Segunda’s establishment was temporarily closed for three days – credit Bogotá Mayor’s Office/website

The three-day closure of the Doña Segunda picket line by the National Tax and Customs Directorate (Dian) generated outrage on social networks, as it is considered one of the best restaurants in the city.

The entity’s decision responds to the fact that the premises did not comply with the order to deliver the electronic invoice, a rule that is mandatory for all commercial establishments. This measure caused a wave of criticism, as Colombians classified Dian’s action as unfair.

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Dian assured that it is complying with current regulations – credit Dian

However, Dian stood by her decision and defended her actions through a press release. “Tax evasion is a crime. When people demand electronic invoices in their purchases and payments for services, they help combat it and ensure that Colombia has the resources to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants,” he noted.

In turn, the entity in charge of guaranteeing the fiscal security of the Colombian State assured that the measure is a rule that those responsible for the establishments must comply with, which includes several stages in which the taxpayer can defend himself against the sanction. Likewise, he thanked citizens who use official service channels to report this type of irregularities.

Added to Doña Segunda’s case are the sanctions against the Almacenes Éxito, Jumbo, Adidas and Olímpica headquarters for the same reason. In Bogotá alone, Dian has put the seal on 43 establishments this year and there are 119 in the entire country, the entity indicated in the statement.

Dian’s sanction arose after visiting 19 commercial establishments in six locations in the country’s capital. In which it was identified that they were not complying with electronic billing, so they were also temporarily closed.

Although the reasons given by the organization are based on the law and are valid, several Colombian political figures refuted the decision, as it harms not only Doña Segunda, but also her family members and the employees of the premises. For Bogotá councilor Daniel Briceño, the measure attacks working people throughout the national territory.

Councilor Daniel Briceño assured that the Petro Government persecutes the people who generate employment – credit @Danielbricen/X

“The general rule is the persecution of good people and those who generate employment. The Petro government rewards the criminals of the First Line and persecutes the Doña Segunda picket line. Furthermore, he pointed out “those who produce and contribute to development are punished while criminals receive rewards from the State.”

The Radical Change party also joined the controversy over the closure of the picket line, pointing out in its X account: “The government of President Gustavo Petro is painted there: in the campaign he used the elderly. But now Dian is implacable with Doña Segunda. Exalting the criminal and attacking the businessman is Petro’s “change.” For them, heritage is Pizarro’s hat and not an emblematic site,” he said.

Enrique Gómez assured that the Petro Government prefers to reward “front line criminals” than to help the elderly – credit @Enrique_GomezM/X

In parallel, former presidential candidate Enrique Gómez pointed out that the State should reward young people from the Front Line and “terrorists.” He, in turn, indicated that he benefited them with million-dollar subsidies. “Is it clear that this regime is not interested in the elderly? They close the business of a legend of typical Colombian food, of the pickets, they attack Doña Segunda. For those who work, produce and generate employment: persecution (sic). Miserables!” Gómez wrote.

The National Federation of Merchants (Fenalco) also spoke out on the matter. For Jaime Alberto Cabal, president of the entity, not having electronic billing available should not be considered an evasion. In that sense, he said that the closures carried out by Dian have no justification and that the sanctions must be established proportionally, arguing that an elderly person like Doña Segunda should be treated with dignity.

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