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Yamila Reyna shocks when she tells the true reasons for her departure from TVN — Radio Corazón

At the end of May, TVN surprised by reporting, through a statement, the departure of one of its faces More popular. We talk about Yamila Reynawho after two years within the channel left because “there are no projects in which he could participate.”

After this, the communicator herself shared a publication on Instagram, where she confirmed that she is no longer at the station, ensuring that «I leave with the sadness that it means to leave such a beautiful channel, because TVN is a great family. That’s what I’m going to miss the most, “And the most beautiful thing is that I gained the affection of many colleagues.”

But almost a month after his departure, it’s just that Yamila Reyna referred at length to this situation on Eva Gómez’s radio program, revealing the true motives.

Yamila Reyna tells the confirmation of her departure from TVN

According to what was reported on Page 7, the Argentine commented that the channel “has entered a new direction. When new directions come in, tastes change too, it’s part of this job. It’s like the world of sports, when the directors change, the teams change.

«The decision was made by them, but I had raised it. We had had some conversations before, I was not comfortable. Maybe they will say ‘oh now’, but I’m not used to being at home and being paid a salary,” she continued.

On the other hand, Yamila Reyna stated that she had conversations on TVN, where she insisted that they include her in a project. “Several times in my meetings I raised it, I said ‘put me in’, even though I did a lot the previous year, they were constant challenges.”

«I am a worker, so For me it was strange to be at home and be paid a salary, but I also understood that there was no possibility of having more projects at the moment.stated the actress.

In closing, he noted that «I grew a lot in two years, both professionally and personally. Also, when I went through super difficult times on a personal level, they were incredible with me, When I barely separated, they told me ‘what are we doing, what do you mean?’

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