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The influencer Farah El Kadhi died at the age of 36 while sailing in Malta

Farah El Kadhi died at the age of 36 while on vacation in Malta. (Farah El Kadhi /Instagram)

Farah El Kadhirenowned architect and fashion and beauty influencer of Tunisian origin, died on June 20 at the age of 36, according to reports Times of Malta. The Kadhi He was on holiday in Malta when he suffered a heart attack while sailing on a yacht in Msida.

The Kadhi She had more than 1.1 million followers on her social networks, where she shared her lifestyle and promoted her fashion brand. BazaarByFaf and other products. Although everything seems to indicate that death occurred from natural causes, Maltese authorities have requested an autopsy to confirm the reason for death.

Farah El Kadhi’s death occurred while sailing on a yacht in Msida. (Farah El Kadhi /Instagram)

According to Times of Maltathe incident occurred in Msida, a port city in Malta. El Kadhi was transferred to the Mater Dei hospital, located approximately eight kilometers from Valletta, the capital of Malta.where they tried to revive her without success on three occasions.

The tragedy has generated a wave of shock in the world of influencers in Tunisia. His professional colleague, Soulayma Hneyniaalso a Tunisian influencer living in Malta, expressed her sadness on social networks: “He was a truly wonderful person, known for his kindness, generosity and caring. Her positive spirit touched everyone who had the privilege of knowing her. She died peacefully after falling asleep“, wrote.

Maltese authorities requested an autopsy to confirm the cause of death. (Farah El Kadhi /Instagram)

Certainly, the news has had a strong impact on the community of influencers and followers of El Kadhi. During her vacation in Malta, El Kadhi had been recording several videos for his Instagram profile. In these now-deleted posts, she could be seen enjoying time in St. Julian’s, a coastal town in Malta.

The fact that El Kadhi will work as an architect for the company Key Concept and was also successful as a content creator, highlights her ability to lead a multifaceted career. Her posts on her social networks showed not only her style, but also her efforts in promoting her brand and collaborating with other companies.

Farah El Kadhi was taken to Mater Dei hospital, where they tried to revive her. (Farah El Kadhi /Instagram)

Many followers and colleagues have used the networks to say goodbye to The Kadhi and express your sadness at the loss. The displays of affection underline the impact she had on the lives of many people.

Farah El Kadhi He was a prominent figure in both the field of architecture and social media. Her unexpected death in Malta has left a void in both communities, but has also highlighted the love and respect that many felt for her.

The death of El Kadhi has generated great commotion in the Tunisian influencer community. (Farah El Kadhi /Instagram)
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