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Pyoro recognizes his source at Nintendo and recognizes an Internet theory as reasonable

This week’s Nintendo Direct has left fans ecstatic about the return of Metroid Prime 4a new Zelda starring Zelda or a new RPG Mario & Luigi.

It was, without a doubt, one of the best Nintendo Directs the company has ever done, which would not have been unusual as a showcase at E3. And, unlike the last Nintendo Direct, without any filtration.

The most active fans on Twitter know that, since the Direct a year ago, there is such a Pyoro which, days before each Direct, filtered all or almost all the ads. Sometimes with word games and cryptic messages, other times with full details (like the price of the Nintendo World Championship NES Edition).

Nintendo may have found the vaccine against Pyoro leaks

But this time he has been surprisingly quiet. Were you caught like Midori, who posed as a Japanese woman?

Shortly after the Direct, a user on Reddit launched a theory about the source of Pyoro which he himself says may be true.

Speaking with Bloomberg’s Jason Schreier, Pyoro acknowledged that Your source is a Nintendo employee in Japanbut he doesn’t know where his source gets his information from.

And that’s where the theory comes into play: this Nintendo employee knew the information about the games in the Nintendo website backend.

Not from YouTube, as some theorized (videos uploaded privately that become public as soon as they are announced live) but from the Nintendo’s own website: As soon as the game was announced they opened the website with reservations: the page is ready but hidden until it is announced, but working at Nintendo, I could see it days before.

But on this occasion Nintendo has been cautious, and as has been observed, Nintendo did not open pages of its games on the web immediately, but hours later. It only happened with some third party games that were leaked, such as Ace Attorney Investigations.

Hence Pyoro recognize that That theory makes “sense” in those statements to Bloomberg… that, in a deleted tweet, He said he thought they weren’t going to be published..

Now he has made his account private, and since Nintendo knows his modus operandi, perhaps he will not have any leaks again, despite its source at Nintendo in Japan (which, as far as we know, has not been discovered).

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