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Accident on Av. Abancay: They report that the driver and owner of the car that hit pedestrians have not yet come to the hospital

Relatives of one of the victims ask that the 33-year-old be transferred to the Mogrovejo hospital, so that he can receive specialized care. He suffered an intracranial trauma. (24 hours)

The relatives of one of the victims of the pedestrian attack on Abancay Avenue, on Friday, June 21, demanded that the driver responsible for the accident and to the owner of the vehicle that they approach the International Clinic, where the wounded are being treated. The Conejo Meléndez family spoke with 24 hoursin Panamericana Televisionto ask for support from the State and tell the situation faced by his relative, a 32-year-old young man, who has an 8-month-old son.

He is admitted to a clinic in the center of Lima, where they want to charge him S/30 thousand soles per day in exchange for continuing to treat the victim, who was diagnosed with intracranial trauma.

Even though that him Mandatory Traffic Accident Insurance (SOAT) covers part of this money, the injured man’s cousin indicated that he and his relatives would have to pay the rest every day. This is impossible for them, so they asked that he be transferred to Mogrovejo hospital.

“My cousin Diego was attacked by this vehicle. Unfortunately, it is becoming another figure in the statistic of recklessness, of both drivers and pedestrians, driving defensively, because in images it is seen that this vehicle deviates, does not follow the straight line and hits these people, including “my cousin,” he said.

Until the night of Friday, June 21, the doctors at the clinic were attending to the adult 33-year-old, who began to show signs of an infection. Before he suffered fever, he was conscious.

“Currently he has an intracranial trauma. He is being intervened at the moment. We do not know what his state of health is (…) So, what we ask is that the Minsa and the authorities can transfer my cousin to the Mogrovejo hospital, a specialized hospital that can see this cranial issue, and we also extend it to the family members of the driver and the owner of the vehicle so that they can assume responsibility. We have no news, we don’t know how my cousin is going to turn out,” he said.

Accident on Abancay Avenue leaves people injured. (Capture: 24 Hours)

As is known, this person was at the crossroads of the Abancay Avenue with Nicolás de Piérola Avenue, when a reckless driver ran over him along with other people. He had just finished doing a university procedure.

“We are a humble family, they didn’t want to tell me because I am hypertensive, but I had to come because I had to see my son. The clinic assistant told me that per day it is 30 thousand soles, where do we get that amount?”, denounced the young man’s mother.

The young man’s relative also pointed out that the police officers of the Cotabambas police stationin the center of Lima, they did not perform the alcohol test on the driver under investigation until seven hours after the tragedy.

“Another irregularity that my relatives tell me is that the driver recently passed the breathalyzer test. 7 hours after the accident. That’s very suspicious, [esperemos] that something does not happen, that they want to delete it or that the owner of the vehicle disappears. The person had to undergo ethyl dosage at that moment, not seven hours later,” he denounced in Infobae Peru.

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