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Donald Trump called for massive support from evangelicals demanding a ban on abortion

The former American president donald trump This Saturday he urged evangelicals to vote en masse in the presidential elections November to help him return to power and promised to “fiercely” protect religious freedom if elected.

The businessman spoke before a group of politically influential evangelicals who, although they support him, hope that during an eventual second presidency the campaign in favor of restricting abortion will be strengthened.

Evangelicals and Christians do not vote as much as they should“said the Republican candidate in a Washington hotel before hundreds of attendees at the Faith and Freedom coalition conference. “They go to church every Sunday but they don’t vote. And we have to make sure they vote this timebecause they only have to do it this time,” he asked.

In that line, he was ironic and provoked laughter from those present: “In four years you don’t have to vote, okay? In four years don’t vote, I don’t care.”

In addition, the magnate promised evangelicals, who played an important role in his arrival at the White House in 2016, that he would defend their faith. According to recent surveys, Christians represent approximately 20% of the general electorate.

During his presidency, Trump had appointed three conservative justices to the Supreme Court who played a key role in 2022 by overturning the right to abortion throughout the United States.

We will protect Christians in our schools, in our army, our administration, our workplaces, in our hospitals,” he said.

On the other hand, he stated that, if he wins the next elections, he will establish a federal group to investigate the “discrimination” and “persecution” of Christians in the country.

The Republican leader will face his Democratic rival, the president, in a long-awaited televised debate this Thursday. Joe Biden.

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