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Fernando Burlando confirmed that he will be the lawyer for Loan’s family, the missing boy

Fernando Burlando confirmed in dialogue with Franco Mercurialion air in TN at Nightwhich will be added as lawyer from the Loan familythe five-year-old boy who disappeared in Corrientes.

“These are crimes where investigations have to proceed in a very, very accelerated and forceful manner in the first moments”assured the lawyer, a couple of Barby Francowith whom he has a daughter, Sarah Mocking.

Loan disappeared in Corrientes. Photo: The Liberator

And he made a forceful clarification about the search for the baby. “A lot of time was lost. As long as Loan does not appear, it is time for loss,” she added, firmly.


Fernando Burlando talked about the case of loanthe five-year-old boy who disappeared in Corrientes.

We cannot allow this to happen to any creature. It seems that we live in a reality of the past. Trafficking is no joke, it is something that exists not only in Argentina. The first thing is that you have to understand that this is a sad reality,” stated Fernando.

Fernando talked about Loan’s case. (Photo: AFP)

And he closed with a strong message to the detainees for its contradiction. “It is proof that it compromises them. My recommendation is that you contribute something. Now the colleagues would have to aim the guns to generate a compromise situation. For me, they are an organization“, hill.

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