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What saint is celebrated today, Tuesday, May 25? The complete list of saints

Bede It’s such a name male as female, although today its use is almost exclusive to women. It is not entirely clear where this name comes from, although the most widespread version says that it comes from Germanmeaning ‘he who imposes’. currently, only 33 women In Spain they receive this name and, curiously, they celebrate their saint thanks to Saint Bede the Venerable, priest and doctor of the Church.

According to what we know, this saint was born on a date close to the year 672 in Northumbria, in the United Kingdom. Most of the information that has survived to this day about this saint is what he himself wrote and compiled in his ecclesiastical historyone of the most important works of the Church and for which he obtained the title of ‘Father of Church History’.

In this story, facts from his life are told, such as how he voluntarily entered the Monkwearmouth Monastery when I was seven years old; who at 19 became a deacon and a priest at 30. This rapid rise was due in part to the plague that devastated Jarrow, ending the lives of all the members of the Monastery except for the abbot and Bede himself.

He spent his life in charge of providing religious service to the community, learning, teaching and writing. He died in the same monastery in which he spent his entire life, although his remains were buried in Durham Cathedral. There they were kept in a gold and silver urn until they were stolen in 1541.

This and other saints are celebrated during the 25 of May:

Saint Mary Magdalene of Pazzi

Saint Aldelmo

Saint Canon of Atela

Saint Magdalene Sofia Barat

San Pedro Doan Van Van

Saint Zenobius of Florence

Saint Dionysius of Milan

Saint Dionysius Ssebuggwawo

Saint Gennadius of Astorga

Saint Leo of Troyes

Saint Gregory VII Pope

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