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Rafael González died, the most serious victim left by the motorcycle bomb explosion in Jamundí

Rafael González was fighting, trying to cling to life, since the explosion of a motorcycle bomb, A few meters away from him on that central street in the urban area of ​​Jamundí, he knocked him down and left him on the ground defenseless and unable to move.

The explosive wave of that June 12 hit him head on, when he was in that block of the Bancolombia headquarters, where he took care of motorcycles in a commissioned position. When he was not watching, he sought daily sustenance by selling sweets or scavenging recyclable material in the streets of Jamundí, a municipality located in the south of Valle del Cauca.

A week ago, the representative of Cali, Gerardo Mendoza, said that Don Rafael lost one of his arms due to bacteria and his prognosis remained reserved. He remained hospitalized at the Valle del Lili Foundation, in the south of the capital of Valle del Cauca.

The city’s Metropolitan Police reported that it received confirmation of the death of Rafael González.

Don Rafael arrived with one of his children more than a year ago to Jamundí, from Venezuela, looking for a better future, walking until he had blisters on his feet and living almost on charity in cities in the interior of the country, in the middle of the cold or high temperatures until reaching Cali and then to the neighboring municipality.

The foreigner, who left two other children in Venezuela, remains in the intensive care unit of the Fundación Valle del Lili clinic in Cali. He had to undergo numerous surgeries due to his critical condition.

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