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“We want a solution regarding gas service”

The neighborhood Chimen Aike of Río Gallegos, located on the side of the route that connects the area of ​​Chimen Aike with the 17 de Octubre highway near the local airport, known as Circunvalación, have pending and urgent claims to be addressed by the Provincial Government.

Adrián Aguilar, representative of the Neighborhood Commission of the Chimen Aike Neighborhood, spoke with The stopa program that is broadcast on Weather FM 97.5expressed about the problems they are going through in the neighborhood with the inclement weather these days.

In this sense, Aguilar told the reality they are going through in the neighborhood of the capital of Santa Cruz: “We have more than 60 families living in the sector“In 2016, our neighborhood was created and the first lots were delivered. Unfortunately, in this sector we do not have gas and water service, and an extension of the electricity network is also missing.”

Regarding the lack of gas in the neighborhood, he said: “The Families are heated with firewood and coal, with electric heaters, there is no gas or water network in any sector of the neighborhood, a power supply was made, but it needs to be completed in other sectors.”

“The carafes They cannot afford them, most are heated with wood, salamanders and coal. Because the bottle lasts three or four days, they are high costs, a bottle costs around 13 thousand pesos,” he added.

“I try to be in communication with the Provincial Government and the Municipality, we want a solution to be achieved in the medium term for our neighbors regarding gas service,” stated the neighbor.

Finally, Aguilar claimed: “We are waiting for them to call us, set up a dialogue table and have a short-term response”. Given the lack of responses from the Provincial Government, he closed: “I ask the governor to remember us, and for the mayor to work in collaboration with the governor so that more services reach our neighborhood that the neighbors do not have today.”

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