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Space debris problem has NASA being sued by family – FayerWayer

On March 8, 2024, a piece of space junk collided against the roof of Alejandro Otero’s house in Naples, Florida. His son, Daniel Otero, was at home at the time, but fortunately he was not injured. However, now the family is suing NASA.

And it was about a discarded battery from the International Space Station (ISS). space junk, that It weighed about 0.73 kg, it was a bracket used to mount old batteries on the ISS. NASA had planned for the platform to burn up upon re-entering Earth’s atmosphere, but something went wrong and it ended up hitting the Otero home.

A compensation

The Otero family is now suing NASA for negligence and damages. They argue that the space agency should have done more to prevent space debris from falling to Earth and that the incident could have had much more serious consequences.

The Otero family’s attorney, Mica Nguyen Worthy, says the case presents an opportunity for NASA to set a precedent for how space debris should be handled. Worthy argues that the United States has an obligation to compensate citizens who are harmed by space debris, even if the incident was not caused by direct negligence.

NASA has six months to respond to the lawsuit. The agency has not yet commented on the case.

This incident highlights the growing problem of space debris. There are thousands of pieces of debris orbiting Earth, and the amount is only increasing. This debris can pose a hazard to spacecraft and astronauts, and can even fall to Earth and cause damage or injury.

It is important that space agencies and governments work together to develop solutions to the space debris problem. Measures are needed to reduce the amount of debris produced in orbit and to safely dispose of existing debris.

The Otero family case could have a significant impact on the future of space exploration. If NASA is forced to pay compensation, it could send a message to other space agencies and private companies that they must take steps to ensure their space activities are safe and sustainable.

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