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What is it and how is it done?

The entity communicated the details of this benefit for certain workers. Below, all the information.

The Federal Public Revenue Administration (AFIP) released a resolution with excellent news for the monotributistas and self-employed workers. This resolution indicates that these groups will be able access a refund carried out by the organization this June 2024. To be able to access the benefit, you must comply with certain requirements mandatory.

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The entity also detailed the time that This process could be delayed. For the categories A, B, C and D The requirements will be considered met when “the full integrated tax for at least 8 monthly periods for 2023 and 10 monthly periods for 2024 has been paid.”

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The reimbursement of AFIP to monotributistas

This benefit was established by resolution 4309 of the treasury and is the refund of certain contributions for all monotributistas and self-employed workers. This indicated that it must be done in the month of March of each year and is granted only to those who have made the corresponding payments through direct debit to a bank account and automatic debit using a credit card.


Why the refund may be delayed

To carry out the procedure you must enter the AFIP official website and go to the service “CCMA – Current Account for Monotributistas and Self-Employed” and click “Various queries” and then enter “Detail of incentives”. There you can verify whether or not the benefit is credited, the amount of the refund and the reasons why the refund was granted or rejected.

The benefit is exclusive to those monotributistas and self-employed workers who, during the year, have paid the monthly installments in a timely manner.

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