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Latina renews collaboration with sports entities to promote grassroots sport – Madrid City Council Newspaper

The district councilor, Alberto González, has signed the extensions of the agreements for three basic sports facilities

The councilor of Latina, Alberto González, signed this morning the extensions of the collaboration agreements with four entities in the district so that they can continue developing their work to promote and promote grassroots sports among residents in three basic sports facilities: Parque Cerro Almodóvar, Councilor Gabriel Fernández y Castroserna. The validity of the current agreements ends on July 31, so, with today’s signature, they are extended for one year, until July 31, 2025.

Latina Councillor Alberto González at the IDB Councillor Gabriel Fernández with the Club Cantera FC

At the Councilor Gabriel Fernández IDB, located at Cuart de Poblet Street, 6, in the Cuña Verde park in Latina, the Cantera FC Club and the Ferilán Sports Club train, with whose managers the councilor has renewed the collaboration today to that they can continue training and educating young athletes.

At the IDB Parque Cerro Almodóvar (29 Marcelino Castillo Street), thanks to the renewal of collaboration with the municipal board, the Los Yébenes-San Bruno CD will continue training, a leading entity in the district, created in 1970, which has developed in For more than half a century, important social and sports work has been carried out, mainly with young people from the area and the surroundings of the Aluche neighborhood.

Finally, at the IDB Castroserna, located at number 2 of the street of the same name, the Lucero Linces Sports Club will continue its work, one of the oldest in the city, founded in 1946, in whose school many continue to learn and train. athletes.

Photos: The Latina councilor in the IDB Castroserna (CD Lucero Linces), the IDB Parque Cerro Almodóvar (CD Los Yébenes-San Bruno) and in the IDB Councilor Gabriel Fernández (CD Ferilán)

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