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They celebrate Pedagogue’s Day

Every June 26, Pedagogue Day is celebrated in Mexico, as a way to recognize the work, dedication and vocation of these professionals. This day is celebrated in honor of the founding of the School National Teachers of 1887.

Pedagogy is a profession as well as an indispensable practice of education at any of its levels; initial, basic, medium or higher.

In addition, it has a crucial role in society, since without them the growth and advancement of new generations would not be promoted.

Learn about the functions of a pedagogue in Mexico

This professional specialized in education and the teaching or learning process, has as its main axis; design, implement and evaluate educational strategies.

Their functions are activities that also go beyond, since they consist of planning classes, as well as designing study plans.

Pedagogues can work in various areas, such as schools, universities, training centers, companies or social organizations.

They can work in roles such as teachers, pedagogical advisors, academic coordinators, among others.

Without a doubt, this valuable profession provides an important contribution to the improvement, quality and perfection of education in the country.

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