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Norma Duval announces the arrival of a new member to her family and her new role

On June 19, Madrid’s Plaza de Las Ventas was dressed up for the first edition of the Beef Awards, an event organized by Provacuno that was attended by numerous personalities at the national level. Among the attendees, former vedette Norma Duval stood out, who took advantage of the occasion to share with the media a very special event in her life and that of her family: the arrival of a new member.

Norma Duval’s revelation about her family surprised many. During the awards ceremony, the artist excitedly announced that her family had expanded. “Now I am a triple grandmother,” she said with a smile in an interview with ‘Hello!’ magazine. However, The new member is not the son of his well-known offspring Marc, Yelko or Cristian. In fact, this is the son of Juan Carlos Rojas, the eldest of the children of his deceased sister Carla and Rafael Rojas, who was born about a month ago. This news, which had not been made public until now, filled the Duval family with joy.

Norma Duval posing with her boyfriend

Norma Duval emotionally remembered her sister Carla, who died 14 years ago, and reflected on the role she now has to assume. «Since he is no longer with us, I am going to act as a nona.«he expressed, referring to the Italian term for grandmother. Furthermore, she explained that she has already played this role with her other nieces, the twins Andrea and Paula, whom she has raised as if they were her own daughters after the death of her sister. This new grandson is a symbol of continuity and family love that Norma Duval is committed to caring for and protecting.

Norma Duval’s family is no stranger to the arrival of new members. Eleven years ago, her first-born son Marc Ostarcevic Jr. and her wife Patricia Véllez gave him her first grandchild, Izan. Two years ago, Yelko, another of his sons, along with her partner Patricia Caula, made her a grandmother for the second time with the birth of Valentina. The former star has shared on several occasions the happiness that her role as her grandmother brings her, a facet that fills her with pride and satisfaction.

This summer, Norma Duval plans to gather her entire family at her home in Mallorca. Although she currently resides in Switzerland, where she moved after her wedding to Matthias Khün in November 2022, intends to spend the summer in Spain. «I have a lot of work and trips with my husband outside of Spain. I’m going to be sailing around the Mediterranean. But I will also go to my house, which becomes a hotel in the summer with my family,” she explained to the media. The artist enthusiastically anticipates these moments of reunion and celebration, which will undoubtedly be very special for her and her loved ones.

Norma Duval and Matthias Khün

Norma Duval maintains a life full of projects and travels with her husband Matthias Khün. Despite her busy schedule, she always finds time to be with your family, a priority that has not changed over the years. The house in Mallorca, described by herself as a “hotel” during the summer, is the perfect meeting point for grandmother and grandchildren to share unforgettable moments together.

The birth of the new member of the Duval family has been a reason for joy and celebration not only for Norma, but for all those who follow her career. Her role as grandmother and mother figure has once again been highlighted, demonstrating the importance he gives to family ties and caring for his loved ones. This recent event at the Beef Awards not only highlighted Norma Duval’s remarkable career, but also her unwavering dedication to her family.

The Beef Awards became the perfect setting for Norma Duval to share her happiness with the public. These awards, dedicated to the excellence in the meat industry, brought together numerous celebrities and influential figures. However, the news of the arrival of Duval’s new grandson captured much of her attention, demonstrating once again the interest and affection that the public feels for her.

Norma Duval continues to be a beloved and respected figure on the national scene. Her ability to balance her professional life with her dedication to her family is admired by many. This new chapter in her life as a grandmother of three grandchildren is further proof of her commitment and unconditional love towards your family, which has always been his greatest source of pride and happiness. The former star continues to be an example of strength and tenderness, combining her success in the world of entertainment with affection and devotion towards her loved ones.

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