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PC and PS pay tribute to Salvador Allende on the day of his birth « Diario y Radio Universidad Chile

Both groups arrived with floral offerings to the monument of the former president in Plaza de la Constitución. The socialist secretary, Camilo Escalona, ​​highlighted his message of solidarity and construction of a democratic state of law.

Wednesday June 26, 2024 17:57 hrs.

Birthday of former president Salvador Allende. Photo: PC.

Activists from the Communist Party and the Socialist Party to the monument Salvador Allendeinstalled in Plaza de la Constitución, to commemorate the 116th birth of the former president.

The leaders of both groups highlighted his work and his legacy more than 50 years after his death. The secretary of the PS, Camilo Escalonaaddressing the advance of the extreme right in Latin America and the world, maintained that “Allende is more topical than ever these days“.

Along these lines, he indicated that: “The call to fraternity, to solidarity, to the construction of a democratic State of law, to pluralism, to diversity. Allende’s call is a call that is more valid than ever. The call to build a society of free men and women as an expression of a civilizational commitmentto leave injustice and inequality behind.”

Likewise, the vice president of human rights of the PS, Fanny Pollarolostated that the memory It is the “ethical wall” against denialism.

“Memory is the ethical wall that says yes, barbarism happened here, they wanted to destroy us here, to make all of us who followed Allende disappear, who were there in those wonderful years of Popular Unity. They wanted to make the awareness of social justice, of true freedom, disappear,” he said.

Meanwhile, the helmsman of the PC, Lautaro Carmonamaintained that they claim as “Allende party” because “we take up this proposal that means, together with the people and particularly the workers, build a deeply democratic society that has a socialist perspective, and as Allende said, a perspective of Chilean-style socialism, with empanada and red wine, we do not renounce that and we will not renounce it.”

“At every time, every task. Today we find ourselves in the fight led by President Boric, pushing for transformations despite the brakes, the difficulties, the limitations that the correlation and composition of the National Congress has, but we are not going to faint, we will continue in a true political pedagogy, talking with the people, so that they take note of who are the ones who prevent, for example, the opening of a real pension reform,” he added.

For her part, the deputy and president of the Communist Youth, Daniela Serranorecalled the departure of Allende’s former minister, José Cademártoriand other militants who “gave their entire lives in the struggle to be interpreters of different social transformations and a process of accumulation of forces that was only promoted by the people of Chile, the working class, the workers, residents, and students, to make this a different, better country.”

“We can not only contemplate part of that legacy as part of a past history, but also make it flesh and present, understanding that That whole story must also be a process of inspiration to change ours.“, he concluded.

Activists from the Communist Party and the Socialist Party to the monument Salvador Allendeinstalled in Plaza de la Constitución, to commemorate the 116th birth of the former president.

The leaders of both groups highlighted his work and his legacy more than 50 years after his death. The secretary of the PS, Camilo Escalonaaddressing the advance of the extreme right in Latin America and the world, maintained that “Allende is more topical than ever these days“.

Along these lines, he indicated that: “The call to fraternity, to solidarity, to the construction of a democratic State of law, to pluralism, to diversity. Allende’s call is a call that is more valid than ever. The call to build a society of free men and women as an expression of a civilizing commitmentto leave injustice and inequality behind.”

Likewise, the vice president of human rights of the PS, Fanny Pollarolostated that the memory It is the “ethical wall” against denialism.

“Memory is the ethical wall that says that yes, barbarism occurred here, they wanted to destroy us here, to make all of us who followed Allende, who were in those wonderful years of the Popular Unity, disappear. They wanted to make the consciousness of social justice, of true freedom, disappear,” he said.

Meanwhile, the helmsman of the PC, Lautaro Carmonamaintained that they claim as “Allende party” because “we take up this proposal that means, together with the people and particularly the workers, build a deeply democratic society that has a socialist perspective, and as Allende said, a perspective of Chilean-style socialism, with empanada and red wine, we do not renounce that and we will not renounce it.”

“At every time, every task. Today we find ourselves in the fight led by President Boric, pushing for transformations despite the brakes, the difficulties, the limitations that the correlation and composition of the National Congress has, but we are not going to faint, we will continue in a true political pedagogy, talking with the people, so that they take note of who are the ones who prevent, for example, the opening of a real pension reform,” he added.

For her part, the deputy and president of the Communist Youth, Daniela Serranorecalled the departure of Allende’s former minister, José Cademártoriand other militants who “gave their entire lives in the struggle to be interpreters of different social transformations and a process of accumulation of forces that was only promoted by the people of Chile, the working class, the workers, residents, and students, to make this a different, better country.”

“We can not only contemplate part of that legacy as part of a past history, but also make it flesh and present, understanding that That whole story must also be a process of inspiration to change ours.“, he concluded.

Activists from the Communist Party and the Socialist Party to the monument Salvador Allendeinstalled in Plaza de la Constitución, to commemorate the 116th birth of the former president.

The leaders of both groups highlighted his work and his legacy more than 50 years after his death. The secretary of the PS, Camilo Escalonaaddressing the advance of the extreme right in Latin America and the world, maintained that “Allende is more topical than ever these days“.

Along these lines, he indicated that: “The call to fraternity, to solidarity, to the construction of a democratic State of law, to pluralism, to diversity. Allende’s call is a call that is more valid than ever. The call to build a society of free men and women as an expression of a civilizational commitmentto leave injustice and inequality behind.”

Likewise, the vice president of human rights of the PS, Fanny Pollarolostated that the memory It is the “ethical wall” against denialism.

“Memory is the ethical wall that says that yes, barbarism occurred here, they wanted to destroy us here, to make all of us who followed Allende, who were in those wonderful years of the Popular Unity, disappear. They wanted to make the consciousness of social justice, of true freedom, disappear,” he said.

Meanwhile, the helmsman of the PC, Lautaro Carmonasaid they claim to be “Allende party” because “we take up this proposal that means, together with the people and particularly the workers, build a deeply democratic society that has a socialist perspective, and as Allende said, a perspective of Chilean-style socialism, with empanada and red wine, we do not renounce that and we will not renounce it.”

“At every time, every task. Today we find ourselves in the fight led by President Boric, pushing for transformations despite the brakes, the difficulties, the limitations that the correlation and composition of the National Congress has, but we are not going to faint, we will continue in a true political pedagogy, talking with the people, so that they take note of who are the ones who prevent, for example, the opening of a real pension reform,” he added.

For her part, the deputy and president of the Communist Youth, Daniela Serranorecalled the departure of Allende’s former minister, José Cademártoriand other militants who “gave their entire lives in the struggle to be interpreters of different social transformations and a process of accumulation of forces that was only promoted by the people of Chile, the working class, the workers, residents, and students, to make this a different, better country.”

“We can not only contemplate part of that legacy as part of a past history, but also make it flesh and present, understanding that That whole story must also be a process of inspiration to change ours.“, he concluded.

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