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Logroño, “like the Far West”

Thursday, June 27, 2024, 11:40

| Updated 11:55 a.m.


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In this Thursday’s section, the issue of the bike lane on Bretón Street continues to be discussed, criticism continues for the closure of the swimming pools and for the proliferation and dirt of the terraces. It is also criticized that cars do not stop at zebra crossings and one is requested for the Burgos avenue area.

  1. No zebra crossing on Burgos Avenue

To start the section, Antonio says that a few days ago his father went from the ITV on Avenida de Burgos to the park in front in search of shade. “There is no zebra crossing for I don’t know how many meters around and he had to go hand in hand, with all the traffic in this part of Logroño,” he says, wondering “when is the City Council going to get its act together” to place a safe passage.

  1. A “magnificent” photo of Saint Vincent

José Ramón would like to thank you for the recent publication in these pages of a “magnificent” photograph of his town, San Vicente de la Sonsierra. “I appreciate it very much,” he says.

  1. The Bretón bike lane, under debate

The installation (or not) of a bike lane on Bretón de los Herreros street is the protagonist of several of today’s messages. For Joaquín, it would be an absurd and useless expense. “I have ridden a bicycle a lot and in Logroño there are not even four real cyclists, who are the ones who make the noise,” he summarizes. Petra, for her part, believes that the mayor “has gotten the city into a mess of three pairs of noses” by making allegations and then backing down. “You have to have your say, Mr. Escobar,” she snaps while David contextualizes the change of option as “one more chapter of what already seems like a fictional series.” In his opinion, “what we have to think about is a true circular economy, the meaning of green areas and actions that really serve the city and the environment.”

Read more news on this topic.

  1. Logroño, like the Far West

Antonio’s concern refers to the risk that pedestrians run in a city like Logroño. “The cars do not stop at any zebra crossing,” he prefaces to say that “the fault lies not only with them, but with the Administration, which does not impose any controls.” “This seems like the Wild West,” he adds ironically.

  1. About Las Gaunas

The decision to open only one heated pool this summer in Logroño does not satisfy users. “For those of us who swim as a regular sport, it is frustrating,” comments the first communicator, who also remembers that the pool in question – Las Gaunas – is the smallest and least modern of those available. Above the smallest. Ignacio also does not agree with the closure of the Lobete and La Ribera pools during July and August. “In cases like mine, swimming is part of a health plan and now I will have to share space and water with many people because we are going to concentrate in one place,” he says.

More information about summer pools

  1. Dirt around the terraces

“It is evident that Logroño is very dirty and much of that dirt is concentrated on the terraces of the bars and their surroundings in the form of cigarette butts, papers, etc.,” Miguel begins by saying. Based on this diagnosis, he suggests “putting an ashtray on the table and collecting it after each service.” “Of course,” he adds, “the hospitality industry must do its part.”

  1. «Invasion» of public space»

This is how the last communicator describes the situation in Logroño with the abusive proliferation and nightstands in Logroño. “They are taking to the streets with absolute impudence and with the connivance of the Administration,” he says, giving as an example a bar in front of his house that “has not only installed a giant screen next to the park, but has pulled a huge and unsightly cable from the façade to the nightstands.

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“Abandonment” of the Entrerríos neighborhood of Lardero

Today’s Guindilla comes to us from Lardero. A reader tells us that “in the Entrerríos neighborhood there are signs of urban abandonment, such as plots of land where uncontrolled vegetation causes the proliferation of bugs, rabbits and even snakes. Broken streetlights and abandoned structures. We pay taxes just like the rest of the taxpayers in the town,” he says.

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    the greatest number of calls, be brief, clear and concise in your presentation. The newspaper will respect the anonymity of readers who contact this section, but it will be necessary for them to state their name and contact telephone number, in case it is necessary to verify the origin of any of the calls. In no case will messages with disqualifications towards third parties be published. Political criticism of people and institutions has its specific space in the “Letters to the Director” section, in the Opinion pages of Diario LA RIOJA.

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