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NASA asks Elon Musk to create with Space X the ship to destroy the Space Station

NASA has entrusted Space

The International Space Station has been since 1998 the space operations center for the main world agencies dedicated to the research of the universe, CSA (Canadian Space Agency), ESA (European Space Agency), JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and the State Space Corporation Roscosmos.

Since then, these five agencies have been responsible for managing and controlling this station which, after numerous expansions over all these years, currently reaches a weight of 420 tons, with a length of 73 square meters and a width of 109.

This International Space Station It is currently more than 400 kilometers above Earth’s in its final stages of use, because the United States, Japan, Canada and ESA participating countries have committed to operating the station. until 2030at the same time that Russia plans to end its operations there starting in 2028.

Therefore, it is necessary ccontrol the re-entry into the atmosphere of this station to prevent risks of falling in populated areas. NASA will be in charge of doing it, and for this has just awarded Elon Musk’s company, Space X, the contract (which could be valued at $843 million) to dDesign the ship that will be in charge of this action.

Although since NASA has clarified that they will be the ones who will operate the ship during this maneuver of deorbitation. After 24 years of continuous manned operations, and more than 3,300 experiments, the end of the International Space Station is approaching.

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