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«In 9 de Julio the metallurgical sector is at its limit and there has been a drop in the layoffs» – El Regional Digital

In the UOM metallurgical union, some yellow lights come on, this is because some metallurgical branches in the country have decreased their production and with this, on the one hand, some suspensions appear and on the other hand, it becomes difficult in the negotiations for the salary recomposition of the sector.

This Tuesday the 25th, the national secretariat of UOM met its sectional secretaries, among them Ruben Silva, from the UOM 9 de Julio Section, where the main topic on the agenda was to discuss the normalization of the 3 de Febrero sectional, which had been intervened for different problems he had had. In that sense, the Deputy Secretary, Naldo Brunelli, was in charge of that and within a period of 6 or 7 months he managed to normalize everything, in which now elections will soon be called and there will be elections of who will be the next secretary in that section, I report.

In another order, Silva commented that issues such as the parity of the steel sector were discussed, since Acindar is once again going to stop the plant, it has already been issued as a national statement, he recalled.

Regarding this metallurgical branch, I detail that since November the steel sector has not been settling the joint agreement and all forceful measures have been taken and it has not yet been reached, although a possible agreement is close. There was even a plebiscite held by the General Secretary, Abel Furlan, to see if the workers wanted to continue with the plan of struggle or make amends with what they were presenting and offering to the steel sector and the response was from all the workers, the plebiscite came out. that the fight plan be continued in order to improve salaries, he reported.

Branch 17

Silva also referred in the dialogue with El Regional Digital, to the joint venture in branch 17 (Agricultural machinery industry), where he reported that this Wednesday the 26th the union was meeting with the industrial chambers for this new joint venture that would cover the months of April , May and June, managing to monitor what would be monitoring the CPI or the inflation, as it is normally said, of the month of April and the month of May and seeing that of the month of June, which will only happen in the first days of July, but there are already 4% thinking and stipulating that inflation could reach 4% in June.

On July 9

In another order, the Secretary of the UOM 9 de Julio Section was consulted about what the local panorama is like, where he highlighted that the district has 45 metallurgical companies

Ruben Silva, Sectional Secretary UOM July 9 – Photo El Regional Digital

Silvia analyzed that on the one hand we have low salaries, less collection, which impacts social work, we know that medicine is totally dollarized and on the other hand, speaking with local businessmen, they talk about the shortage of work and the little movement in the sales that they have, then we have a big dilemma that the same businessman puts to you, he says on the one hand we understand and know that salaries are low and that workers need to earn more, but on the other hand it is difficult for us to pay because we are not obtaining sales,” commented the metallurgical leader of 9 de Julio to El Regional Digital.

We have 45 local companies and the truth is, with stable work and good work projects, for the rest of the year we have two, then the rest is in decline and with the expectation that work will come out but not yet, we already have two or three months I would say with a shortage of work and little movement, I explain.

Given this, Ruben Silva reported “I have already had dialogue with some businessmen who want to reduce working hours, they are holding on, because they consider that labor is important and because that is what we always say, they are small towns, and they know everything and know the needs.” from the workers. Today, obtaining a trained human resource is not easy at all, having to get rid of that resource later, reincorporating it again is not easy, so there is great hope that the local metallurgical sector will have a comeback in its sales.

When asked if there are layoffs, I outlined that at the national level there is a kind of layoff happening in a “drop and drop” manner, there are companies that have laid off 3, others 3 or 4, I calculate that on July 9 in 3 or 4 months we have lost around between 25 and 30 registered metalworkers, which is what we think.

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