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They find the body of the missing boy in the San Juan swamp

  • The young man disappeared on Muro beach, in the Community of Madrid, this Wednesday

  • He swam into the water and from afar began waving to his friends.

  • The Civil Guard has searched for him with drones, from boats and with divers

Civil Guard agents found this morning the lifeless body of the missing 18 year old boy yesterday afternoon while bathing in the San Juan reservoir, a spokeswoman for the Madrid Command reported.

The young man disappeared in the wall beach. Four young people were spending the day in that area of ​​the swamp when one of them, 18 years old, got into the water and started swimming in. At one point, He began to ask for help and make fuss to his colleagues, who called 112 at 3:10 p.m. this Wednesday.

Great deployment of Civil Guard divers

Divers from the Special Group of Underwater Activities of the Civil Guard went to the place shortly after, searching for the teenager in the depths of the area where he disappeared, while two aquatic units of the Community of Madrid Firefighters did so with boats. on the surface and surrounding areas.

A Summa-112 team and a Red Cross team were also dispatched to the spot on advance notice, as well as agents from the San Martín de Valdeiglesias Local Police and the Pelayos de la Presa Local Police. The search area remains cordoned off.

Until 10:20 p.m. yesterday, the Civil Guard carried out 40-minute dives reaching up to 20 meters deep, searching a total area of ​​approximately 1,000 square meters. The water temperature It was 13 degrees Celsius, sources from the Armed Institute reported.

Today drones have also participated and the Muro beach and the pier are closed to the public. The problem of the search has been great depth of the crawl zone, about 20 meters, and its poor visibility. Also, like yesterday, it started to rain, which made the search difficult.

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