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What will be the vehicle that SpaceX will build to take the International Space Station out of orbit?

NASA and SpaceX will collaborate to develop a vehicle that will guide the ISS out of orbit in the coming years (Reuters)

The POTIn collaboration with SpaceXhave announced an important step in the future of the International Space Station (ISS). The US space agency will pay up to $843 million to the private company to develop a vehicle capable of guiding the ISS out of its orbit and head to its final destination when the station is retired in the coming years.

SpaceX plans to launch this special vehicle later this decade. The device will dock with the ISS —a nearly 450-ton structure, about the size of a football field—and will guide it as it hurtles out of Earth’s orbit. The space station and deorbit vehicle are expected to re-enter Earth’s atmosphere traveling at more than 27,000 kilometers per hour (17,000 miles per hour).

The POTwhich until now has operated the ISS in conjunction with Roscosmos (the Russian space agency) and other international agencies, did not specify how many companies submitted proposals for the deorbiting vehicle contract. In addition to Roscosmosother entities such as Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)the European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency They are also part of the consortium that manages the station.

The US space agency stressed in a statement that “the safe deorbit of the International Space Station It is the responsibility of the five space agencies that operate it.” However, he did not mention whether these international partners will bear a part of the cost of the contract awarded to SpaceX. There was no immediate response from a spokesperson for POT nor of SpaceX on this point.

The ISS will be removed with a vehicle that will reach more than 27,000 kilometers per hour upon re-entering the atmosphere (Reuters)

There is still no definitive date for the cessation of operations of the ISSalthough the POT has declared its intention to continue its activities until 2030. On the other hand, Roscosmos has only guaranteed its participation until 2028. In previous statements, POT indicated that it hopes that the deorbit vehicle can be launched in December 2028with the condition of being ready to 2029.

The vehicle of SpaceX promises to take over when the structure, which orbits about 400 kilometers (250 miles) on the earth’s surface, completes its cycle. Since its launch in 2000the ISS It has been a rotating home to astronauts who have developed scientific experiments and conducted crucial research, making it an essential space laboratory.

Ken Bowersoxassociate administrator of the Space Operations Mission Directorate of POThighlighted the importance of the project: “Selecting a US Orbit Departure Vehicle for the International Space Station will help POT and its international partners to ensure a safe and responsible transition into low Earth orbit at the end of station operations.” Bowersox stressed that this orbital laboratory has been a model of science, exploration and space cooperation.

SpaceX will be in charge of the development of the new vehicle with a contract valued at up to $843 million (REUTERS/Joe Skipper)

One of the challenges facing the ISS is its aging, which has precipitated the need to plan its eventual deorbit. In this context, POT has indicated its vision of transferring operations in the low earth orbit to the private sector. Commercial companies will be free to build their own orbital laboratories, space hotels or other innovative projects.

Meanwhile, POT will focus its efforts on the exploration of the solar system. An example is the Artemis programwhich aims to return astronauts to the lunar surface by 2026 and eventually establish a permanent moon base.

Parallel to the contract with SpaceX, POT announced the completion of an agreement to develop new extravehicular activity (EVA) suits that astronauts wear during spacewalks. The iconic white suits, designed more than 40 years ago, need an update. According to POTyour partner in this contract, Collins Aerospaceacknowledged that its development schedule would not support the space station schedule or the agency’s mission goals.

The ISS has been a vital space laboratory since its launch in 2000, hosting crucial experiments (REUTERS)

This announcement comes shortly after POT had to cancel a spacewalk due to a leak in the astronaut’s spacesuit Tracy Dysonwhich underlines the urgency of updating this critical equipment for foreign operations.

This development is a reflection of the continued efforts to adapt to the evolving challenges and needs of space, ensuring that the transition of ISS be carried out in a manner safe and responsible.

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